Not So Brave Now

SeaDemon Says

Courtesy of Dr Aznil Hisham

Raveentharan a/l V Subramaniam, former Parti Keadilan Rakyat state assemblyman for Batu Uban in Pulau Pinang is in hot soup after the Inspector-General of Police instructed the Royal Malaysian Police for the former’s seditious post in hi Facebook account.

Raveentharan’s apology and the post that got him into trouble – courtesy of Dr Aznil Hisham


The IGP instructs the Bukit Aman Media Social Monitoring Team to haul up Raveentharan

Raveentharan, a Georgetown-based lawyer who was dropped from the candidates’ list during the 13th General Elections quickly apologised to Muslims in Malaysia saying that he did not mean to offend Muslims and that his best friends are Muslims.

Raveentharan is not new to controversies. In 2009, two SMS messages were made viral, sent by an unknown alleging that he sodomised and physically abused his ex-wife.  In 2013, he was dropped from PKR’s list of candidates for the 13th General Elections in favour of T Jayabalan.

Below are screen captures made from his Facebook account, courtesy of Dr Aznil Hisham:


