Former DAP MP denies masterminding latest exodus

Sim said the party leadership should start addressing members’ dissatisfaction and should avoid from blaming others for its internal fracture.

The Mole

Former DAP Kota Melaka member of parliament Sim Tong Him has denied being responsible for the resignation of 182 members of the party in Malacca yesterday.

Sim, one of the four DAP lawmakers who quit the party last month, said to The Mole that he had never encourages other members to follow in their footstep.

Some DAP members have taken to cyberspace to blame Sim as being the man behind the second wave of resignations.

“Those who had just resigned were among the experienced and active members. They have their own thoughts on everything and need no one to influence them.

“Nobody should accuse us, stating that we were paid to leave, unless you can prove it.

“Besides, my quitting should leave an impact. I don’t feel the DAP thinks I’m so influential,” Sim said, describing the accusation against him as nonsensical and ridiculous.

The members who resigned yesterday included several division leaders.

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