Is Azrul Khalib one of those ‘easily confused’ Muslims?

(Tanjak) – Islam was revealed as Mercy for all mankind. Hence Syariah, which emanates from the Creator, is unequivocally compassionate even to offenders of Islamic law.

This aspect of Syariah’s beauty is however lost on its “frenzied detractors”, said Isma activists Mohd Luttfi Abdul Khalid and Danial Ariff Shaari in their joint article yesterday.

Airing their views together on Ismaweb, Luttfi and Danial believe these detractors blind to the Syariah’s mercy or rahmah are rife in the ranks of Malaysian liberals, such as those running NGOs like Bebas (Azrul Mohd Khalib and Azira Aziz), Sisters in Islam and the Islamic Renaissance Front.

Opponents of RUU355 are indeed a strange coterie of bedfellows ranging from secularist Azrul to feminist Boo Su-lyn; from strident Siti Kasim to ‘Islamologist’ Farouk A. Peru; from Catholic Teresa Kok to the Protestant Council of Churches of Malaysia (CCM).

“One of the most distinguishing factors [among RUU355’s non-Muslim opponents] is their evangelical Christianity,” the Isma duo added, citing A. Karim Omar – a respected local voice in Islamic activism – as having highlighted how certain DAP national leaders, MPs and Aduns are “staunch evangelists”.

⇓  Azrul snaps wefie with anti-355 gang, including Siti Kasim (the ‘blonde’ bombshell)

Malay purveyors of the ‘love’ principle

Luttfi and Danial see a well-orchestrated public campaign to demonize Syariah in order to block the passage of RUU355.

“The DAP, the liberals and all their collaborators and comrades seem to forget that they have unwittingly exposed their true nature as being dishonest and hypocritical [in trying to derail 355]”, they posited.

DAP likes to posture as the moral compass of our nation while peddling “the illusion of love”.

One of a piece, the evangelical party at the same time portrays an image of Islam to the contrary, that is, of the faith’s devout adherents as “contemptuous of human rights and liberties [as well as] inconsiderate towards the non-Muslims”, said Luttfi and Danial.

The two activists belonging to Isma’s i-Peguam bureau also see the anti-355 Malay collaborators and Muslim comrades, who are affiliated with the well-funded DAP agenda, as already “forfeited and disqualified themselves” from dictating or elucidating on Syariah provisions, prescriptions and punishments.

They explained that Maqasid al Syariah – loosely translated as ‘the Purpose of Legislation’ – is the rationale, wisdom and objectives behind Islamic law.

Its teachings, as has been interpreted by eminent jurists through the ages, serve to protect the ummah in any given time, space and geographical location. Therefore those Muslims today in Malaysia who support the tabling of RUU355 are being “perfectly legal and reasonable” in their demand, Luttfi and Danial stressed.


