Kit Siang No.1 Racist – Part 1

SeaDemon Says

The Malays don’t forget easily. Only Malays who have not experienced it will forget. The non-Malays would sure forget.

The title above is based on a quote made in 2013 by someone who forgets everything easily.

Free Malaysia Today, 4th May 2013

The person who easily forgets (possibly due to age factor because forgetfulness, senility dan loss of sanity are signs that death is approaching) said that his best friend Lim Kit Siang uses the ‘Malaysian Malaysia’ principle that denies the Malays from enjoying the privileges accorded to them in their land of origin as not being racist.

Lim Kit Siang of late has been trying to distance himself from the 13 May 1969 incident by saying that he was in Kota Kinabalu when the incident happened.

It is true that Kit Siang was arrested in Kota Kinabalu after making a speech inciting the Sabahans to hate the government and spreading lies that the government does not recognise the status of Sabahan Bumiputeras as equals to the Malays in the Peninsular. However, we know that the seeds of hatred had been planted long before that.

On 25 January 1969, Kit Siang slammed the United Democratic Party (UDP) for behaving like the MCA turning its back against its struggles with the DAP to establish the Universiti Merdeka and to champion the Chinese language, and to not accept the policy where the Malaysian culture must be based in the Malay culture; the Malaysian literature must be written in Malay; and multilingualism is not allowed as only Bahasa Malaysia is allowed.


