Kit Siang No.1 Racist – Part 2

SeaDemon Says

We have read yesterday how a selectively absent-minded person has forgotten how racist Lim Kit Siang is..

Lim Kit Siang can try distance himself from the 13 May 1969 incident but his racist traits predates the incident.

On Sunday 1 December 1968, five months before the 13 May 1969 incident, Lim Kit Siang incited the Chinese at a DAP rally at the Salak South New Village by announcing the ‘Serdang 20 Points‘.

Lim Kit Siang with his cohorts before the 13 May 1969 incident

Among the 20 points demanded by Lim Kit Siang were:

  • LAND to be given to all landless, regardless of race. The only yardstick should be need.
    The fact that since its establishment 18 years ago, no land had been allocated to the villagers in the Serdang Bahru new village is a terrible indictment on the racialism and incompetence of the Alliance government on the question of land administration and distribution.
  • ABOLITION of the division of Malaysians into ‘Bumiputeras’ and ‘Non-Bumiputeras’.
  • OFFICIAL STATUS to be granted to Chinese, Tamil and English with Malay as the sole national language to be the common language of expression and communication among Malaysians.
  • FREE USE of Chinese, Tamil and English in the Parliament, State Assemblies and in public notices and government correspondence.
  • REPUDIATION of the Abdul Rahman Talib Education Report which seeks to convert all schools, whether primary or secondary, into schools of exclusively Malay-media in instruction and examination.
  • ABOLITION of the distinction between ‘national’ and ‘national-type’ schools.
  • ADOPTION of an integrated education system, with the major language as media of instruction and examination, and their recognition as ‘national’ schools so long as they are Malaysian-oriented and teach the National Language as a compulsory second language.
  • ACCEPTANCE of Malaysian literature, all writing by Malaysians on Malaysian themes, irrespective of the language used, whether Malay, Chinese, Tamil or English.

If you still remember the moment the Barisan Alternatif came into power in Perak, Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin who was the  DAP-chosen Menteri Besar then awarded a 999-year freehold status to 60,000 lots of land at new villages in the state.


