Lim Kit Siang, teh tarik and his delusional laundry list!

(The Malaysian Observer) – A few nights ago, Lim Kit Siang the ‘present’ Gelang Patah MP spoke with youth at a teh tarik session.  During his talk, Lim shared his laundry list of how he and the DAP-led opposition plan to win the 14th general election. (here)

It is uncertain what Kit Siang had in his cup, but whatever its chemical composition it had him in full throng delusion.

One of the first things he mentioned was trying to go after ordinary ‘grassroots’ PAS members.  Kit Siang wants to convince PAS supports that while Haidi Awang wants stricter laws for Muslims, he (Haidi) is not interested in combating corruption.

It seems like Kit Siang does not see the irony in that thought process.  Lim also does not understand the level of support that Hadi Awang has.  If he did, he would realise that had Hadi not had support among grassroots PAS members then they would have followed Amanah out the door and over to the DAP camp.

It seems that since Amanah have proven to be a bad investment, he wants his troops to try and capture more Malays.

As Lim Kit Siang ‘teh tarik’ started to work its magic, Lim mentioned the new item on his laundry list; win over 3.5 million UMNO voters.

Kit Siang wants to explain to them (paternal instinct) that Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s administration is the cause of Malaysia’s economy slowing down.

I guess that Lim believes that those he was speaking to were not aware of the success of Najib’s economic visits abroad as well as his recent accomplishments during Saudi King’s visit.  Lim also pointed to the goods and services (GST) tax as a negative for Najib’s administration.  However, what he always seems to forget to mention is where the money come from that will replace revenue from the goods and services tax.

