Now PAS says it’s ready to work with Pribumi

(The Star) – PAS and Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (Pribumi) can still forge a separate deal to cooperate despite Pribumi’s interest to join Pakatan Harapan, said a senior PAS leader.

This is despite PAS’ position that it will not work with DAP and Amanah, the two parties which along with PKR make up the Pakatan Harapan Opposition grouping.

PAS secretary-general Datuk Takiyuddin Hassan said there was still a flicker of hope for PAS and Pribumi to forge a cooperation and share common goals.

“Although we know that Pribumi has shown interest in joining Pakatan Harapan, it does not mean that PAS cannot have a separate deal with Pribumi.

“We cannot just write off this effort by PAS and Pribumi to come up with something for our common good.

“Despite the recent developments that may make this effort seem doomed, I still feel PAS can still strike a deal with Pribumi no matter how pessimistic the situation is,” he said.

Takiyuddin was of the view that PAS could not afford to be vindictive just because Pribumi was working with DAP and Amanah.

He made his comments following a statement by Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim welcoming Pribumi chairman Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s announcement that Pribumi intends to join Pakatan Harapan.

Anwar in his statement said Pribumi’s inclusion in Pakatan Harapan would strengthen the Opposition’s chances at the next general election.

Ironically, PAS vice-president Datuk Mohd Amar Abdullah had said after an exco meeting in Kota Baru last week that PAS would have nothing to do with Pribumi once it joins Pakatan Harapan.

Mohd Amar, who is Kelantan Deputy Mentri Besar, had said PAS would sever all ties with those who forge links with DAP and Amanah.
