Diverting corruption money into political war chest

Recently there is a new modus operandi at work used by corrupt opposition to stash money for their war chest.

Another Brick in the Wall

In politics, a war chest is funding obtained from donors well in advance of a campaign, usually accumulated by an incumbent for either re-election or to contest a more advanced office, or provided by a wealthy candidate to their own campaign. The possession of such excess funds may discourage otherwise viable candidates from a primary or general election challenge. – Wikipedia

Underlying the 1MDB issue being propagated by DAP and Tun Dr Mahathir is the issue of political funding.

Before the last general election, Mahathir had a meeting with the IPP owners in Buenos Aires and they were complaining of 1MDB nationalising IPP.

When 1MDB invited Mahathir to launch a CSR for the fishermen of Langkawi for GE13, he turned it down and grumbled as to why nationalise after the trouble to privatise.

So it has to be more than mere issue with policy.

During the last GE, too few and too little of Mahathir’s corporate cronies donated to the BN political war chest.

The intention was to tell Dato Najib that “you can be President but I am still in control of UMNO war chest”.

Mahathir passed to Pak Lah only enough money for the 10th GE but UMNO assets were not transferred to Pak Lah.

When Mahathir realised Dato Najib received donation from abroad, he was sore and decided to teach him a lesson for able to out smart him.

Mahathir decided to use 1MDB as the issue to take Najib down despite no money was lost. It is unlike his long list of financial misadventures that a former Wall Street Journal reporter estimated may have cost the country some US$100 billion.

This time he was willing to work with opposition, foreigners, those he dubbed as enemies of the state, and even George Soros, the man he vilified (via Sarawak Report).

Again, it cannot be merely about policy differences.

After playing the 1MDB issue long enough, it has become stale.

Slowly but surely, more so as the recent visit by King Salman, more of the public will realise it is but another hoax propagated by opposition like Lynas, 300,000 Bangla Deshi voters, failed and bankrupt state, Rosmah’s diamond, etc.

If Malaysia had flicked Saudi’s money, why would Saudi King do a state visit when they never did during Mahathir’s administration?

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