Let WSJ, Pakatuns to “syiok sendiri”

(Malaysia Outlook) – Pakatuns are getting excited with a new WSJ article titled: ‘The US Is Preparing to Charge Financier Jho Low in Malaysian 1MDB Scandal’.

But if you read the article properly and not just the headline, you will see this paragraph, the basis of the entire article:

“The US’ prosecution plans, which could change or be dropped as its investigation continues, involve filing criminal charges of wire fraud and money laundering against Mr. Low and potentially some of his associates, said people familiar with the probe. They didn’t describe the potential timing.”

“Anonymous people familiar”, “could change”, “could drop”, “could charge” – but don’t know timing…???

Like this also can? lol

In fact, there could be a meteor that will drop onto earth wiping out all existence but I can’t describe the potential timing.

I think WSJ has taken its crusade a bit too far where it now jeopardises its journalistic credibility.

It is also strange that WSJ did not bother to mention that the US Attorney General Loretta Lynch and prosecutor Preet Bharara, who were both previously involved in this case, had been fired.

This led to the anti-Malaysia government portal Asia Sentinel coming out with the article titled – ‘US Justice Department Probe of 1MDB in Danger?’ last week, where it said:

“There is concern in Kuala Lumpur that the United States Justice Department’s investigation into the state-owned 1Malaysia Development Bhd, which is ensnared in one of the world’s biggest financial scandals, could be stymied in the wake of the March 10 firing by President Donald Trump of the country’s 46 US attorneys.”

Meanwhile, the arbitration between 1MDB and IPIC is still progressing and work on TRX and Bandar Malaysia is progressing nicely.

1MDB still has more than RM1 billion in cash, the majority of the bank loans have been paid back and the company has not defaulted on any of its bonds, which are all long-term and continue to pay off its debt coupons.


