To have world-class universities

In academia, particularly the social sciences, we are meant to question what happens in our society. This means that when it is necessary we criticize laws, policies and government. If we can’t do that then what it means is that we can’t do our jobs.

Azmi Sharom, Sin Chew Daily

We want to have world-class universities in Malaysia. This is often heard coming from the mealy mouths of the powerful.

What a joke!

University funding is being cut to the bone. Thousands of academic staff are being laid off. And now, as the coup de grâce we get some instructions from the top man at the Public Service Department.

And what are these instructions?

We can’t do anything, including giving opinions, which is deemed disloyal to the King, country and government. We also can’t take part in activities which are deemed not neutral or impartial.

World-class universities indeed!

In academia, particularly the social sciences, we are meant to question what happens in our society. This means that when it is necessary we criticize laws, policies and government. If we can’t do that then what it means is that we can’t do our jobs.

I am so angry right now at the sheer obtuseness of this order. It shows a total ignorance as to what academics do, and this from the people who want us to be world-class. Show me a world-class university staffed by docile sheep and maybe I will change my mind regarding the idiocy of this order.

I also wonder what it is about anyone or any organization that makes them so fearful of criticisms. Actually, tell a lie, I know why some are afraid of criticisms. They are afraid because they are weak. They are weak so they don’t have the ability to argue against such criticisms in a meaningful way. They are weak because they are unable to accept legitimate criticisms and change their ways.

The weak hide. And there is nothing more convenient to hide behind than some oppressive laws that can cover a multitude of sins behind the so-called screen of “loyalty”.

I am also angry because, believe me, I doubt there will be no more than a handful of academics in this country who will feel the same way as I. And even fewer who will say anything about it. We are cowards because we don’t dare to stand up and be counted. To face down this kind of thought control which will make our jobs impossible and our careers meaningless.

We are cowards because we don’t have the guts to say that in order for the nation to progress. Reasoned argument is needed. Universities should be places to provide that, and in order to do so, we need our freedom.

So, you have those who are willing to silence dissent and those who allow themselves to be silenced.

That is a sure fire formula for world-class universities, I can tell you!

Does this mean I am being disloyal? Well, I think I am not. And if some dictator thinks I am, well frankly, I don’t care!

(Azmi Sharom is a law lecturer at Universiti Malaya.)

