Muhyiddin Yassin; The Opposition’s Red Herring or April’s Fool!

(THE MALAYSIAN OBSERVER) – Perhaps it is because we are at the start of April that the name of former deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin has re-entered the conversation as the Prime Minister choice for DAP-led Pakatan.

Then again, it may be Pakatan’s way of playing an April fool’s gag (literally) on the rakyat.

Let’s be serious; Muhyiddin is damaged goods.  His supposed indiscretion in another man’s flower bed will keep many from wanting him as their future Prime Minister or even their potential Prime Minister candidate.

Even if one could lay that indiscretion on its side, you still have Muhyiddin who has done nothing to demonstrate that he is capable of leading Malay.  Further still, he has done nothing to demonstrate that he can lead Party Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (PPBM).

Had Tun Mahathir not needed a shield to hatch his son Mukhriz political ambition (if they are in fact his and not his father’s), Muhyiddin would only be a footnote in the annals of political history; listed under ’G’ for Greed!

Which is exactly what happened; Muhyiddin Yassin got greedy.  He fits the example of the dog that has bone in his mouth crossing a bridge.  The stops and sees a reflection of a dog with a bone in its mouth in the water and opens his mouth thinking he would have yet another prize.  However, the dog drops what he already has in the water and ends up having nothing.

Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin was deputy Prime Minister, but when he thought he could get the top position, he opened his mouth and echoed the chorus of lies against his leader.  As a result, Muhyiddin Yassin just like that dog, lost what he had and now like that dog has nothing.

He is neither here nor there.


