DAP-led Penang government’s nine-year report card

Huan Cheng Guan

Since the DAP took over Penang in 2008, these are Penang’s achievements and successes:

1. Penang Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth has under-performed Malaysia’s GDP growtih for the entire period from 2008 to 2015

2. Penang is third lowest out of 15 states and territories in GDP per capita growth for the entire period from 2008 to 2015

3. Scored fourth lowest out of 16 states and territories in median household income growth since 2009 and Penang people households income has been overtaken by Johor and Malacca.

4. Achieved lowest salary growth out of 16 states and territories. Penang people’s median salaries have been overtaken by Johor, Negeri Sembilan and Labuan.

5. Lost first place in investments and never regained top spot. It dropped to 7th in 2012 and moved up a bit to 5th in 2015.

6. Since 2013, 13 major MNCs have either closed down their plants or announced they were moving out of Penang.

7. Yearly Penang government spending has quadrupled from RM200mil to RM800mil per year.

8. Increased water rates four times since 2008 and doubled the raw water intake fees.

9. Increased the assessment fees for property owners despite promising not to increase fees.

10. Doubled state assemblymen salaries and allowances.

11. Doubled state executive councillors salaries and allowances.

12. The chief minister has changed his official car twice.

13. Recorded the first ever case in the history of the world where both the buyer and the seller of a property (without swimming pool) does not know its market value.

14. The first ever sitting chief minister to be charged in court for corruption and the first ever civil servant in Malaysia who was not suspended from duties after being charged in court for corruption in Malaysian history.

15. Only the most stupid state government does studies worth RM305 mil, get stuck at 87% and then when cannot deliver, and then blame a Barisan Nasional project of 18 years ago

16. Despite promising to abolish toll in GE13, six months later in November, the Penang government signs agreement to approve a new 30-year toll concession.

Itu pun pasal bola dan raba-raba belum mahu cerita lagi.

Maybe that is one of the achievement of DAP.
