Tokong Ka Li Kong

Anwar Ibrahim promised the residents of Kampung Buah Pala that he would speak to the Chief Minister-designate and, within two weeks, officers from the Chief Minister-designate’s office would announce themselves that Kampung Buah Pala would be saved

SeaDemon Says

The title above sounds like the phrase “kong ka li kong”, which in Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia describes as untrustworthyschemingconspiring in an evil plot.  It describes the DAP aptly.

I can imagine how majority of the voters in Penang must have felt in March 2008 when Pakatan Rakyat managed to wrestle Pulau Pinang from the clutches of BN’s Gerakan after almost 51 years.  It was a hopeful change for the better. Voters then probably thought that the Barisan Nasional did not really fit into their idea of progress and prosperity a clean and efficient government might have given.  They tried their luck thinking that it was worth a try to change.  The candidates from the Pakatan Rakyat, too, thought that it was worth a try although they did not envisage a victory.

When they did, they had no idea how to fulfill promises that had been made to the voters.  The most famous of all promises was that Kampung Buah Pala that had been in existence for decades, would remain standing.  This was the promise made by Anwar Ibrahim in the run up to the 12th General Elections.

In the video below you could see Anwar Ibrahim promising the residents of Kampung Buah Pala that he would speak to the Chief Minister-designate and within two weeks, officers from the Chief Minister-designate’s office would announce themselves that Kampung Buah Pala would be saved.

And the people of Kampung Buah Pala probably fell for it and helped vote Gerakan out on the 8th March 2008.  Less than three weeks later, the village that had stood for decades was bulldozed.

Tokong Lim Guan Eng claimed that he never knew Anwar had made a promise to the people of Kampung Buah Pala. After all, the Tokong does not know many things. He also admitted not knowing the actual market price of his swimming pool-less bungalow at Jalan Pinhorn.

Anwar could also claim that the person in the video above was not him – the person may look like him, but was not him.


