DAP-led Pakatan Harapan’s panic reaching all time high!

The Malaysian Observer

It seems that DAP-led Pakatan is jumping into full scale panic mode; as almost on a weekly basis they put out a new revelation which they hope will bring down PAS, Barisan Nasional or both.

Recall not too long ago DAP-led Pakatan put out a false story that Deputy Prime Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi was going to leave the post of Deputy Prime Minister and join Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (PPBM) or one of the other alphabet soup members which make up DAP-led Pakatan. (here)

Of course the opposition put that story out there to see if that could create suspicion in the mind of Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak toward his deputy (Zahid Hamidi) and his deputy Prime Minister.

The opposition also wanted the rakyat to believe that such a preposterous story was true; that Zahid Hamadi would step down from a productive position as DPM that is helping Malaysians and go to an opposition that is only seeking to help itself or in DAP-led Pakatan’s case ‘themselves’ in the way Muhyiddin Yassin did.

Next with growing questions of who the DAP-led opposition had as their choice for Prime Minister; they put forth the name of former deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin’s, who has become better known for receiving updates from newspapers and for planting seeds in another’s garden than for leadership!

More recently, opposition leader Lim Kit Siang has finally realised that PAS and its president (Hadi Awang) are not interested reconciliation.  He also sees that with PAS and UMNO finding common interest, DAP-led Pakatan has lost an important edge in getting the Malay vote.


