Superman Hew’s ‘Melayu Bodoh’, ‘Mahathir mahu mati’ and ‘Hadi penipu’

(LSS) – Until today, DAP has yet to comment on the recent expose of Hew’s “Melayu Bodoh”, “Mahathir mahu mati” and “Hadi Awang penipu Agama hamsap dan tamak duit” videos

Back in December 2016, two component parties from BN had demanded that DAP stops supporting Superman Hew Kuan Yau and allowing Hew to continue speaking at DAP ceramahs.

This is what DAP’s national secretary arrogantly replied then.

DAP does not see the need to explain to Gerakan why the firebrand Hew Kuan Yau, better known as Superman, continues to speak at the party’s events despite having resigned from the party.

“How we manage our party is none of his business,” organising secretary Anthony Loke told Malaysiakini.

Loke was responding to Gerakan secretary-general Liang Teck Meng, who urged DAP to disassociate itself from Hew, whom he accused of spewing racist remarks during ceramah sessions.

Liang also questioned how was it possible for Hew to still grace DAP events when he has been reported to have resigned from the party in July.

Apart from this, the Gerakan leader also called on the DAP-led Penang government to sack Hew from his post as curator of the Penang Asia Comic Cultural Museum.

However, Loke refused to answer if DAP would ban Hew from speaking at its ceramah sessions, as demanded by Liang.

“I only have one sentence to respond to him, which is not to interfere. I do not wish to answer other questions,” he said.

On his part, Hew also refused to respond to Liang, saying that Liang “is only a small character”.

“This is a political clown, so what is there to respond? Liang is nobody, he is only a small character and does not deserve my response,” he added.

DAP had also lashed out at MCA for allegedly trying to meddle in its affairs.

“Mind your own business,” said Anthony Loke in reaction to an MCA official’s allegation that DAP had refused to distance itself from controversial ex-member Hew Kuan Yau.

“How we manage our party and whom we invite to our ceramah is our business,” he added.

