Kit Siang and DAP has been saying this since the 1960s

Lim Sian See

1. Recently, DAP”s top leader YB Lim Kit Siang has made a series of increasingly frequent press statements, many of which are poorly disguised ranting sessions claiming he is being victimized.

2. One of his claims is that the next General Elections would be the dirtiest ever in history. It would seem that every 5 years, Kit Siang repeats these claims. If you check back his claims over the past three decades, every elections seems to be the dirtiest ever in history.

3. This claim is just a piece of the usual propaganda that the opposition uses to create a perception of “unfairness” in his voters.

4. Another piece of propaganda that Kit Siang had frequently used over the years is that Malaysia is becoming a failed state or bankrupt thus we must vote them to “Save Malaysia”.

5. He and DAP has been saying this since the 1960s. In fact, in 1978, Kit Siang even wrote a book with the title “Time bombs in Malaysia” where he warns that Malaysia will be going bankrupt and a failed state soon.

6. Next year would be the year 2018 and would mark the 40th year where Kit Siang’s time-bombs have failed to explode. Not only has Malaysia not gone bankrupt but DAP leaders have become increasingly wealthy, including his son who travels in a Mercedes S-Class and stays in a multi-million ringgit 10,500sf land area bungalow in an exclusive area within Penang Island.

Malaysia does not need “saving” and is continually improving but I wonder who can save us from the boredom of listening to endless re-runs of DAP’s decades-old propaganda?

7. I continue to read with great amusement Kit Siang’s continued claims in his numerous press statements over the past few weeks that his son Lim Guan Eng had “crossed racial and religious divide to defend the honour of an underaged Malay and Muslim girl who was allegedly raped which resulted in Guan Eng sacrificing himself and going to jail for one year.”

8. This is yet another piece of untrue piece of propaganda, out of dozens, that had been repeated countless times by DAP. to fraudulently burnish the image of their leaders.

9. Perhaps Kit Siang forgot that Lim Guan Eng was found guilty by the Court of Appeal for maliciously printing and distributing false news under the Printing Press and Publications Act 1984 and the Sedition Act 1948 – not for defending a Malay and Muslim girl.

10. Initially, he was found guilty and was only asked to pay a RM15,000 fine but Lim Guan Eng refused. He then decided to file an appeal while repeatedly questioned the judges’s decision outside the courts. This resulted in his jail sentence upon the appeal;s court decision.

11. Perhaps Kit Siang forgot that the alleged rapist had sued DAP for defamation which resulted in DAP admitting in court that the said allegations were wholly unfounded?

12. Perhaps Kit Siang forgot that Time Magazine and Asiaweek had also retracted their articles and issued an apology to the alleged rapist after they had repeated DAP’s claims?

13. If the alleged rapist then was not a ruling party politician, it is unlikely that DAP would have pursued such allegations since there would be little political gain.

14. If Kit Siang wishes to continue with his misleading propaganda, I challenge Kit Siang to name the alleged rapist publicly. Failure by Kit Siang to publicly name this person would seriously damage the credibility of his claim.

15. I also request Kit Siang to name how many other Malay and Muslim girls’ honoir – or for that matter, girls from any race or religion – whom Guan Eng had defended in the decades before and after that incident that led to his prison term.
