Malaysia Chronicle, please stop uploading my articles!

Malaysia Chronicle has been plagiarising from other sources for a long time but each time it changes the title of those articles to mean something else and sometimes to mean the opposite of what the article says

Aspan Alias

This is a special article and message just for Malaysia Chronicle. I am deadly sick and fed-up with the conduct of Malaysia Chronicle for diverting my real attention of writing. While uploading word by word of my articles Malaysia Chronicle have been changing the titles of my articles it uploads, don’t know with what intention and motive stored in their mind.

I have been unable to get reached to Malaysia Chronicle as such I have to resort writing it openly through this blog that you are fond of manipulating.

Malaysia Chronicle…please stop uploading my articles from now on as you are very mischievous with depraved intentions.  What I have been writing were on my own views not the opinions of any other than me, let alone the opinion of any other leader or camps in the country’s political fraternity. I don’t represent any camp or any organisation. I am on my own.

If you want to have your opinion read by the public write your own articles and create your own editorial column but not to divert and ride on other people’s writing by toying around with the titles and headings of anyone’s write-ups. You may do it to the rest but not to me please.

I am exceedingly displeased with the unjust and unbecoming conduct of Malaysia Chronicle by taking my softness and friendliness as weaknesses.

So Malaysia Chronicle…..just stop uploading my articles from now onwards. I am just sick of your unethical disposition. I am not a hired killer (paid blogger) like few others that I know. Just leave me alone.

