Jahabar crossed the line with TMI narrative on removing Article 3

By Lukman Sheriff Alias, Tanjak

I refer to the TMInsight article yesterday headlined ‘Governments have no business meddling in Islam, says scholar Kassim’.

I strongly condemn TMI editor-in-chief Jahabar Sadiq and his publication for pushing the narrative on abolishing the federal constitution’s Article 3 which stipulates Islam as “the religion of the Federation”.

The following are excerpts from the provocative article:

“Religion has nothing to do with government officials… they just have to govern collectively and fairly.”

“We have to amend the constitution, the federal religion in the constitution must be removed. A government must be just, a country doesn’t have a religion, (only) people have religion.”

The extracts are from TMI’s interview with Kassim Ahmad.

We demand to know whether this was an exclusive story set up solely by TMI. What was the purpose of the interview? Was it purposely intended for soliciting such extreme viewpoints?

The opinions expressed in the article are definitely radical, not to mention going against the root of our constitutional compromise.


