Mahathir to leave divided PPBM

(Another Brick in the Wall) – The latest Raja Petra posting, Mahathir is second-fiddle to Kit Siang, talks about Mahathir being used by Lim Kit Siang to do what he knows best – to destroy. The previous posting highlighted part of the work of his hand of destruction.

Apparently, his need to destroy 1MDB was motivated more than just IPP. Many of the privatisation he dished out to his proxies and cronies will be expiring and banks are breathing down their necks. So he needs new allies to topple Najib at all cost – UMNO, Malays, his dignity, inconsistency, U-turn et al.

However, this time RPK feel he is not in the driver’s seat. He will be leading the Pakatan Harapan but will end up being the stooge of Lim Kit Siang and DAP. The reason Kit Siang is “shy” to acknowledge he does not want the position and feels Mahathir is more effective.

In other words, Kit Siang allows him to be his own self and it will favour DAP’s power pursuit immensely. They have used and discarded PAS before. Now they have PAS reject to follow their command.

Hard-core staunch supporters of Mahathir will remain in-denial. They will claim DAP will succumb to Mahathir. Already they are listening to his advise to accept Malay leadership. If so, it is not seen yet.

Politics is a game of numbers and PPBM is not likely to have sufficient numbers or win states to administer. For the past two to three weeks, all have been quiet on the Kedah front. No major campaign event organised.

Coincidently, two weeks ago on April 7th, some 500 members of PPBM Rembau branch announced their resignation from the party. Branch head said it did not affected them and branch is still operational. However, there was a  tad of casualness  in his statement to accuse them of joining PKR.

Why would they join a currently Mahathir-friendly PKR? Is PPBM falling apart?

This morning, former leader of GKCM, Cikgu Kamarulzaan Haiburrahman is holding a press conference at Hotel Sunway, near PWTC – UMNO’s  headquarter.

Kamaruzzaman was part of the UMNO branches movement to oust Dato Najib from inside based on Tun Dr Mahathir’s orchestrated and trumped up allegation of 1MDB. He was the Executive Secretary in the first Protem Committee and is a member in the new protem committee.

Words are the press conference is about dissatisfaction by grassroots members against President Tan Sri Muhyiddin and Deputy President, Dato Mukhriz Mahathir. Sources within PPBM claimed both Muhyiddin and Mukhriz did not honour their promises to the grassroots.

The rebellion within the rebel-laden PPBM started out when Dato Mukhriz appointed his close confidante, Faizal @Pejo bin Dato Azumu as new head of Perak PPBM. Pejo had in turn appointed his associates to replace the original grassroot leaders that establish the branches.

This angered the grassroots leaders and Dato Hamidah Osman, the PPBM Vice President from Perak. She claimed the establishment of Perak PPBM was her effort. However, Mukhriz believes Hamidah is not popular in Perak and needs be replaced.


