Will Bar Council now defend Article 3 of federal constitution?

By Danial Ariff Shaari, Tanjak

Muslims are shocked, shaken and stirred by the latest piece of malice from the notorious TMI – formerly called The Malaysian Insider but better described by its nickname ‘The Malaysian Inciter’.

The Malaysian Insight – as the erstwhile propaganda portal is now rebranded – has once AGAIN sparked condemnations and outcry by Muslim groups. Well, it didn’t take very long for the recycled TMI to return to its trademark incitement, did it?

It appears that TMI is hellbent on upending the country’s foundational status quo, this time through promoting the idea of Article 3’s removal from the federal constitution.


READ — ‘Jahabar crossed the line with TMI narrative on removing Article 3′


Suggesting that the public should begin to entertain the thought of removing Islam as “the religion of the Federation” is not only sacrilegious but seditious as well.

The provocative idea tossed by Jabahar & Co. is embedded in the following passage:

“We have to amend the constitution, the federal religion in the constitution must be removed. A government must be just, a country doesn’t have a religion, (only) people have religion” — Kassim Ahmad quote, extract from TMI’s Apr 17 exclusive.

Jabahar’s mafia is known to love serving up sizzling potatoes. This particular hot potato, however, may prove to be too hot even for the TMI don to handle.


