Proof of Malaysians suffering Financially

(SeaDemon Says) – Every day you could read online how Malaysia is going bankrupt and how ordinary Malaysian are suffering because they pay in USD for their roti canai banjir and GST for zero-rated household items.

A proof that Malaysians are suffering financially is that car sales have gone up.

According to the Malaysian Automotive Association (MAA), car sales in March 2017 jumped by 26.5% compared to February. That is a whopping 11,262 units more!

That is also a 10% increase compared to March 2016 – 53,717 units compared to 48,788 last year.

Almost 141,000 cars were sold in the first quarter of 2017. That is almost 10,000 units more than the corresponding period in 2016.

Of course, Najib Razak has failed to turn the economy around. Things were far more affordable back then and the USD was at RM2.50 compared to what it is now.

The following table will show how cars were far more affordable during U-Turn Mahathir’s time.


