PAS is open to cooperation ‘on one condition’

(The Star) – PAS is open to “tahaluf siyasi” or political collaboration with any political party, on condition that the collaboration does not contravene Islamic teachings, PAS spiritual leader Hashim Jasin (pix) said.

Learning from experience, he said PAS would now place the condition that gives priority to Islam before forging any political collaboration for the sake of peace, wellbeing and racial harmony.

“If DAP, Parti Amanah Negara (Amanah) or any party for that matter is prepared to adhere to our condition, there is no reason for us to refuse (to collaborate). We can give our cooperation, we are still open to it.

“The condition is that we must follow Islam, what Allah wants us to do (as caliphs).

“Not that we want to be the leader, the prime minister, ministers, MPs or whatever…what matters most is that whoever leads must give priority to Islam,” he told a press conference after opening PAS Dewan Muslimat general assembly here.

Hashim said PAS was also prepared to create a third political bloc, which might be different from the existing political blocs in the country if Pakatan Harapan was willing to accept Islam as the main condition for cooperation.

Earlier in his speech, Hashim called on PAS members to accept former members who wanted to rejoin the party.

“If they want to get back on board our ship, why can”t we accept them? Just forgive their mistakes and wrongdoings,” he said.

His deputy Datuk Ahmad Yakob when opening PAS Dewan Ulama general assembly, said there was no need for the ruling secular government to be toppled just to have it replaced by a socialist party as it would only worsen the political scenario in the country.

“We have fought over 60 years to become the ruling government, but if the ruling secular government is to be replaced by a socialist government, it will only make things complicated.

“Maybe in the current situation where many quarters try to weaken Islam, we may need more time to develop new strengths to topple the existing government,” he said.

While not naming any party he described as being socialist, Ahmad’s words clearly pointed to PKR and DAP which were known to have been ambitious to rule the country.

Ahmad, also Kelantan Mentri Besar, said PAS was not only aimed at retaining power in Kelantan, but also aimed at winning Kedah back from Barisan Nasional (BN) at the 14th general election.

