The lying Chinaman and his lying girlfriend

SeaDemon Says

A friend of mine was very angry when the photos of Christopher Zairil and girlfriend Dyana kissing and drinking was spread on social media.

I asked him if he was angry that Christopher Zairil cheated on his wife for the umpteenth time?

“No!” he replied. “How can it be cheating if he is allowed to have more than one wife?”

“What then?” I asked.

He lies to everyone every time this happens! Has he gone to make a police report to say that the photos are fake? Neither has Dyana!

This is quite true. These trusted aides of Tokong Lim Guan Eng and Emperor Lim Kit Siang respectively have not gone to the authorities to say the photos are fake. All Christopher did was to say they were fake while Dyana likens the act as an intrusion of privacy without even denying that she was not in the photos.

And this time around, the Inspector-General of Police, Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar, himself has confirmed that no


