Pakatan Harapan is running out of moves!

(The Malaysian Observer) – In Pakatan Harapan’s relentless quest to unseat Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak, they looked for every avenue at their disposal to bring it about.

It almost seemed like the strategic game of chess where one tries to remove as many of his opposing pieces as possible in order to secure a win.

Lim Kit Siang’s Pakatan opposition moved here and there, probed and prodded looking for a means to topple the Prime Minister.

One of the earlier blows to Lim Kit Siang’s opposition plans came after the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) investigation of 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) found that Prime Minister Najib Razak was not involved and any wrongdoings with.

Then there is the Lim Kit Siang and Tun Mahathir Bromance.  Both ageing politicians thought that their pairing would cause a grand influx of Malays over to them, but it never happened. Instead it raised the question over Lim Kit Siang’s silence over Tun Mahathir’s possible involvement in the BMF (Forex scandal); an issue in which he (Lim Kit Siang) has been hot and bothered about for years.

Next you Lim Kit Siang’s opposition referring to a report that says 1MDB funds ending up with PAS president Hadi; which he has filed a defamation suit against Sarawak Report editor Clare Newcastle Brown


