Why we must hate Kit Siang and DAP

According to Mahathir, Kit Siang is a racist. So that means we must hate Kit Siang. Some people ask me why I supported DAP in 2008 but now hate DAP. Well, that is because Kit Siang and his DAP are now classified as racists and Mahathir said so. That means I must now hate Kit Siang and DAP, as it is my Islamic duty to do so. And if you hate racism and racists, then it is also your duty to hate Kit Siang and DAP.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Islam says it is okay to hate. In fact, Islam says it is not only okay to hate but it is compulsory to hate.

This is mentioned in a Hadith that reports Prophet Muhammad as saying if you see a transgression then fight against it (which means physically oppose it). If, however, you do not have the strength, power or courage to physically oppose transgressions, then fight it with your mouth (meaning speak out against it).

If you still do not have the means or the courage to fight it with your mouth, then you must hate it in your heart. At least by merely despising that transgression it shows you are opposed to it. If you cannot even hate that transgression, then you are as good as endorsing it.

So, the different levels of opposition to transgressions is first to hate it, then to speak out against it, and finally to rise up and oppose it by taking certain actions that are physical in nature.

The Christian-West believes in ‘collateral damage’ so it is okay to kill millions just to topple one person

This is the duty of all Muslims. And that is where Jihad comes in. Jihad is a physical action required to oppose transgressions. Jihad is a decree that comes from God or Allah. Hence if you embark on Jihad you are fighting the cause of Allah. And this is what even Muslims themselves do not quite understand, which is why Jihad is seen as negative and not positive.

Do not assume that just because a person is Muslim he or she understands Islam. Muslims can be as ignorant about Islam as most Christians are about Christianity. In fact, when you hear Christians talk about Christianity, you can see that most know very little about their own religion.

Of course, the common myth that Christians will tell you is that while the Old Testament (OT) propagated hate (just like Islam, they will tell you), the New Testament (NT) propagates peace and love. This was what Jesus taught us, they will say.

That is actually utter nonsense. Jesus propagated no such thing. In fact, Jesus said the opposite to that. And the NT did not come from Jesus. Half the books in the NT came from Saul, a Jew who disagreed with James and Peter (two Jewish disciples of Jesus). Saul never met Jesus and he claimed that Jesus spoke to him from heaven. So the teachings of the NT are from Saul who communicated with Jesus who was no longer in this world.

If Saul were alive today a psychiatrist would most likely proclaim him a lunatic and have him committed to Tanjung Rambutan. In fact, all the Prophets, Muhammad included, would suffer that same fate. No one would believe a word that Muhammad or all those other Prophets before him said.

It is actually quite weird that people would never believe all these ‘religious teachings’ if they were propagated by someone today. However, since they were propagated by someone more than 1,000 years ago, people find it easier to believe them. I mean if someone came forward today and claimed to be a Prophet from God we would call the police and have him arrested.

Christians say love the sinner but they went and hanged Saddam Hussein

Anyway, Islam says we must hate transgressions and act against it while Christians say we must hate the sin but love the sinner. So that makes Christianity more peaceful and loving than Islam.

That, of course, is utter Christian bullshit. If that were true then Christians would love Adolf Hitler, Bin Ladin, Khomeini, Saddam Hussein, and all those others who the Christian world classifies as ‘war criminals’. Was it not the Christians who refused to forgive and love the Japanese after the end of WWII in September 1945 and instead hanged many of them after what even the west condemned as unjust trials in a kangaroo court?

They also did the same with the Nazis. If Hitler had not killed himself would the Christians have forgiven him for all his sins? In fact, they hunted down all the Nazis and refused to forgive and love them. The Christian United States still has the death sentence in some states and people are still put to death instead of forgiven for their sins and given love.

And did the US-led western coalition not invade Iraq, and now many other Arab countries as well, to make them pay for their sins and crimes? So, no, Christians do not hate the sin but love the sinner. Christians punish the sinner severely. And even if that results in ‘collateral damage’ and many innocent women and children die that is okay as long as the sinner is punished.

Of course, Christians will say that may be what Christians do but that does not mean that is what Christianity teaches. Sure, but when Muslims do wrong they say that is what Islam teaches because the fruit of a poisonous tree is poisonous. When it involves Christians it is not the fault of Christianity but when it involves Muslims it is the fault of Islam.

Mahathir said Kit Siang is a racist who caused the 13 May 1969 race riots

So, Islam says hate while Christianity says love. But in the end both Christians and Muslims are exactly alike, they both hate. And Islam says hate the transgression and the transgressor because it is your duty to do so.

The only thing now is to determine what can be considered a transgression. It is okay to hate the transgression but we need to first agree as to what can be classified as a transgression. Murder, rape, robbery, etc., are certainly transgressions. Even atheists will agree to that. Many will also agree that racism is a transgression. So that means we must hate racism and the racist. Even non-Muslims would agree with that.

According to Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, Lim Kit Siang is a racist. So that means we must hate Kit Siang. Some people ask me why I supported DAP in 2008 but now hate DAP. Well, that is because Kit Siang and his DAP are now classified as racists and Mahathir said so. That means I must now hate Kit Siang and DAP, as it is my Islamic duty to do so. And if you hate racism and racists, then it is also your duty to hate Kit Siang and DAP.
