Did Tony Pua commit a contempt of the Parliament?

DAP’s Petaling Jaya Utara MP Tony Pua has emerged as the spin master on 1MDB.


Bandar Malaysia agreement with IWH CREC has lapsed.

The Ministry of Finance (MOF) cancelled it due to IWH CREC’s failure to meet the payment obligations outlined in the conditions precedent under the share sale agreement (SSA).

Typically, however, Pakatan Harapan tried to spin some tales based on half-truths and lies to paint a bleak picture on Bandar Malaysia, the country’s investment climate and 1Malaysia Development Board (IMDB), and to a certain extent, tarnish the credibility of Prime Minister Najib Razak.

Pakatan Harapan spin masters, like Petaling Jaya Utara MP Tony Pua Kiam Wee, ably aided by fake news portal Sarawak Report headed by mercenary writer Clare Rewcastle Brown and international spin master-media WSJ, tried to twirl a bizarre claim that the Chinese government had disallowed the investment by China Railway Engineering Corp (M) Sdn Bhd (CREC).

But, the fact is, the Pakatan’s spins are from the truth.

Termination of contract

TRX City Sdn Bhd – which comes under MOF, has announced that the cancellation of the Bandar Malaysia development agreement with the consortium of Johor-based Iskandar Waterfront Holdings Sdn Bhd (IWH) and China Railway Engineering Corp (M) Sdn Bhd (CREC) because the contract had lapsed.

It has nothing to do with Beijing administration and definitely, there is no such thing as repayment of RM741 million in deposits paid by IWH-CREC, as alleged by Tony Pua, once claimed by DAP godfather Lim Kit Siang as an “economy expert”.

In its full statement released on Wednesday, TRX City made it clear that despite repeated extensions being granted, IWH CREC failed to meet the payment obligations outlined in the SSA.

As a result, the share sale agreement between the parties stands null and void with immediate effect.

One does not need to be a rocket scientist to understand what are the meanings of “repeated extensions granted”, “failed to meet the payment obligations” and “null and void with immediate effect.”

The termination of the contract was purely a business decision, nothing to do with politics.

Shameful Pakatuans

But, of course, for Pakatan Harapan, everything is politics and must be politicised for selfish political interests at the expense of the national interests.

These Pakatan leaders, or Pakatuans, would even go abroad and overboard to smear the country and stop investors from coming to Malaysia.

And, they claim that they want to ‘Save Malaysia’.

A bunch of shameful Pakatuans indeed.

When a nation’s leader enters into collaborative partnerships with leaders of other nations, the agreements are typically monetary and negotiated as commitments.

These commitments are later translated into plans of action and subsequently into business contracts and deals, which normally are executed by members of the business delegation accompanying the leader.

Therefore, should any of the deals entered by members of a business delegation fall by the wayside, the setback cannot be construed as a collapse in a partnership agreement, or the backtracking of financial commitments by one nation on another.

It simply means a deal has collapsed, one that can be supplanted with a fresh business deal at a later date.

The cancelled Bandar Malaysia agreement was originally signed when 1MDB was embroiled in controversy.

Now with its cancellation and with 1MDB re-emerging as a progressive business entity, MOF decision to terminate the agreement with IWH CREC could be a blessing in disguise.

MOF may strike a better deal and better value for Bandar Malaysia, which will further reinvigorate the country’s fast-improving economy prospects.

Tony Pua

Did Tony Pua become the Petaling Jaya Utara MP for past two terms just to spin lies, half-truths, spread disinformation to mislead the people and incite hatred against the federal government?

If it is so, then he had failed in his statutory and constitutional duties to protect the nation’s interests.

Remember that Tony Pua had been a member of the parliamentary accounts committee (PAC) since 2008.

He has even boasted last October that his attendance record was unparalleled by any PAC member, except that of the committee chairman.

PAC carried out a comprehensive investigation on 1MDB, its dealings and finances during the height of a malicious campaign hatched and propagated by Mahathir Mohamad-led anti-Najib conspiracy (ANC).

And, Tony Pua, who boasted the highest attendance record among ordinary PAC members, have sat in these meetings to scrutinise the 1MDB.

He had all resources to check every detail of 1MDB’s business and financial dealings.


