PAS: We know what it means to cut off PKR

(MMO) – PAS understands the implications of ending links with PKR, Datuk Takiyuddin Hassan said in response to the negative analyses of the possible decision.

The PAS secretary-general also said his party has made preparations to operate on its own and outside the larger Opposition pact in the event the proposal is seen through.

“Anyone can make assumptions and analysis, but we know what we are doing. We have studied and understood, we have plans,” he said during a press conference at the party’s head office here today.

PAS resolved to end its working relationship with PKR during its annual assembly earlier this month, but the decision must still be adopted by the Syura Council to be effective.

The Kota Baru MP said PAS will be ready to face the general election even if the motion is formalised.

“We are a political party of 66 years. I am confident … PAS is capable and has the will to face the next general election,” Takiyuddin said.

He then said that PAS was being politically “mature” with regards to working with other political parties, whether from the ruling side or the Opposition.

Takiyuddin explained this was the basis of the continued cooperation with Umno.

PAS will no longer have any ties with parties in Pakatan Harapan if the Syura Council agrees to cut ties with PKR. The Islamist party had, during its muktamar, also rejected cooperation with Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia.

The party’s detractors continue to accuse it of cozying up to Umno for variety of reasons that  range from Malay-Muslim unity to being bought off.

PAS’s separation from the larger Opposition could lead to multi-cornered contests in the general election that would be advantageous to the ruling BN, with some analyses predicting that the Islamist party could end up the biggest loser.

