Sarawak Report; doing Pakatan’s dirty work!

(The Malaysian Observer) – The recent news of the DAP-led opposition’s news portal (Sarawak Report) stalking Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor, the wife of Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak should not come as a complete surprise.

Having failed to come up on any dirt on Prime Minister Najib Razak, the opposition’s next move is to try and find something to smear his wife (Datin Rosmah), other members of his family or those he is close to with.

The Sarawak news ‘reporter’s actions toward Datin Rosmah amounted to trying to bait her so that she would react.  This is similar to what the Paparazzi in the USA do when they try to get a celebrity to lash out after being harassed.   The reporter usually hurls out some outlandish claim ir some slanderous claim in order to elicit a reaction from their stalked target; then the reporters news portal prints it along with a salacious headline

However, a visiting head of state or their spouse should be afforded more respect than to be treated in such a manner.

The total lack of decorum that Sarawak Report’s reporters had shown toward the first lady of Malaysia is rightly termed low class.

In Raja Petra Kamarudin ‘No Holds Barred’ article, RPK eludes to Mat Salleh (White) privilege when it comes to dealing the 90 plus percent of the world who are not Mat Salleh.

It appears that the DAP-led opposition’s foreign news mouth piece believe that they have been granted some moral divine right to treat the wife (Datin Rosmah Mansor) of Malaysia’s Prime Minister Prime Minister with utter disrespect.


