Selangor DAP: No reshuffle, no problem

Selangor DAP vice-chairman says it’s business as usual and the party will not rock the boat so long as the PAS excos don’t stray from the joint framework and manifesto used in GE13.

(FMT) – Selangor DAP says it has no problem working with the three PAS executive councillors in the state administration, so long as they don’t stray from the joint framework and manifesto used in the 2013 general election.

Speaking to reporters after launching a business conference, Teng Chang Khim, who is the Selangor DAP vice-chairman, said there was “no necessity” for a reshuffle of the state administration as the next general election was near.

Chang was asked for his views on Selangor Menteri Besar Azmin Ali’s statement that there would be no change in the state leadership line-up since voters in the last general election had chosen PAS as well as DAP and PKR to jointly form the state government.

Azmin, who is the PKR deputy president, said this in response to a call by Amanah Youth for a reshuffle after PAS voted at its general assembly on April 30 to cut its political cooperation with PKR.

“If they (PAS) stray from the manifesto and framework, then it’s a different story. As it is, it’s business as usual, so why should we rock the boat,” said Teng, who is executive councillor for investment, industry, commerce, SMEs and transportation.

He added there were no issues with any of the PAS excos – Iskandar Abdul Samad, Ahmad Yunus Hairi and Zaidy Abdul Talib.

“In the state administration, we don’t talk politics,” said Teng.

When asked about PAS’s plans to contest at least 45 state seats in Selangor in the coming general election (GE14), Teng said DAP would have to fight if PAS wanted to take it on.

Previously, Iskandar, who was the former PAS Selangor commissioner, said his party was ready to contest in 45 state and 15 parliamentary constituencies in Selangor if no seat allocation consensus was reached with other parties for GE14.

Teng also responded to Selangor Barisan Nasional (BN) chief Noh Omar who recently said Azmin’s decision to retain the three PAS excos was driven by his “fear” of losing PAS’s support.

“I think Noh Omar should worry about keeping their (BN) 12 seats in GE14 first,” he said.

Earlier, Teng launched the Selangor International Business Summit 2017, which will be held from Sept 7 to 17.

On concerns the timing of the conference could clash with GE14, Teng said the organisers had taken the election into account.

