Pas: If Dr M loved Malaysia, he wouldn’t work with DAP

(NST) – If Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad truly loves the nation, he would not be cooperating with DAP, claims Perak Pas Commissioner Razman Zakaria.

Hitting out at the Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (PPBM) chairman’s newfound alliance with DAP, Razman said DAP lacked integrity as their leadership always put themselves first.

“PPBM should cooperate with Pas if Dr Mahathir really meant what he said (that he loves Malaysia) so both parties could improve the country,” he said, when asked on whether Pas would be willing to cooperate with PPBM.

Razman said, if PPBM chose to cooperate with Pas, PPBM must follow Pas’ agenda, not the other way around.

“If Dr Mahathir loves Malaysia as much as he claimed, he would not have privatised the country’s assets which has led the people to pay for every service including utilities to providers at a much higher cost,” he claimed.

Perak Umno liaison committee deputy chairman Datuk Saarani Mohamad said Dr Mahathir was offering a political bait for the people.

“His time has passed. Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak also loves the country.

“Give Najib the opportunity to govern Malaysia. God-willing, Malaysia will continue to prosper,” said Saarani.

