DAP: Selangor PAS an absolute disgrace for staying put as excos

“Is this the way of a political party that claims to be Islamic? Where is the ethics and principles?” says DAP Assemblywoman Yeo Bee Yin.

(FMT) – Selangor PAS should be ashamed of itself for using Umno’s playbook, by using DAP as an excuse in trying to explain its continued involvement in the Selangor government, says a state assemblywoman.

DAP’s Yeo Bee Yin did not mince her words in calling Selangor PAS “an absolute disgrace” over the latest turn of events pertaining to PAS’ ties with PKR.

“We are puzzled at the latest excuse used by newly-appointed Selangor PAS commissioner Sallehin Mukhyi for PAS excos to remain in the state government even after cutting ties with PKR, in order to prevent DAP’s ‘mischief’.

“PAS has indeed turned to the dark side now that it has begun to sing the same tune of ‘semua salah DAP’ as Umno-Barisan Nasional,” she said in a statement.

Yeo also lamented the fact that after years of working together in the state government, Selangor PAS made DAP a punching bag for a party decision that they did not dare to own up to.

“Is this the way of a political party that claims to be Islamic? Where is the ethics and principles?”

Yeo, who is state rep for Damansara Utama, was responding to Sallehin’s remarks yesterday justifying PAS excos keeping their jobs in Selangor despite the party having now officially ended its tahaluf siyasi’ (political cooperation) with PKR.

Sallehin said when DAP terminated its ties with the now-defunct Pakatan Rakyat in 2015 it too did not ask its excos in Selangor to resign.

“When people were asking about this, (DAP secretary-general) Lim Guan Eng replied that DAP needed to continue being in the government so that PAS did not do a bad job,” Sallehin said.

“Because of that PAS needs to continue being in government and serve in the executive council so that we can do good work and DAP does not do a bad job,” he said in a statement yesterday.

Lim had on June 16, 2015, announced that Pakatan Rakyat, which comprised DAP, PAS and PKR, had ceased to exist.

Yeo called out PAS betrayal of the people’s mandate for the now-defunct opposition pact of Pakatan Rakyat.

“PAS has repeatedly said that they want to remain in the Selangor government to honour people’s mandate in the last general election (GE13).

“However, they have forgotten the people’s mandate was for PAS to be a part of a Pakatan Rakyat government. PAS did not only betray the common policy framework of the opposition pact, they cut ties with not one but both of their former partners.

“So what is the moral justification left for PAS to remain in the Selangor government?”

Yeo then questioned the real reason for Selangor PAS to cling on to their positions in the Selangor government.

“Is it to continue to use state government resources to strengthen their party support in Selangor and eventually turn their back against us in the next general election (GE14)?

“Selangor PAS cannot have its cake and eat it too.”

