Ethics, integrity, dignity, morals and principles not part of DAP doctrine

In 2014, DAP said the Selangor Menteri Besar has no authority and power to sack the PKR and DAP Selangor Exco Members. Today, DAP is saying the Selangor Menteri Besar must sack the PAS Selangor Exco Members. And still the Pakatuns and Dapsters cannot see that the DAP people are a bunch of liars and hypocrites who have no ethics, integrity, dignity, morals and principles. These types of people have to be exterminated like filthy cockroaches.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Compare what DAP said back in August 2014 and what they are saying now. DAP is oozing with hypocrisy and every single word that comes out of their mouths is a downright lie. Considering Tony Pua is cut from the same cloth, it makes one wonder how much of what he is saying about 1MDB is true and how much are lies. Remember what Tony Pua said about Khalid Ibrahim and then did a U-turn and said the opposite a couple of months later?

If DAP can still get 90% of the Chinese votes in the next general election that can only mean Chinese schools and the Chinese education system are turning Chinese kids into idiots. Or else this would mean the Chinese have no ethics, integrity and dignity and are a community that lacks moral values and principles. If not how can you explain a party like DAP getting ‘solid’ Chinese support?

The joke is MCA and Gerakan have more members than DAP and yet DAP gets all the votes while MCA and Gerakan get slaughtered. This is because the Chinese become members of MCA and Gerakan (even life members) for monetary or financial reasons but they secretly vote for DAP. This has been proven since way back in the 1940s and 1950s when the Chinese used to pretend to support the government while secretly supporting the Communist Terrorists by providing them with financial and logistics support.

Sultan gives consent to sack Exco, says Khalid


Selangor MB crisis: PKR, DAP reject sacking of Exco Members

(The Star, 12 August 2014) – DAP and PKR will not accept the sacking of their five executive councillors in the Selangor state government.

DAP secretary general Lim Guan Eng said the two parties felt the move by Mentri Besar Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim was unethical and “does not respect the spirit and principle of democracy, and ignores the mandate given by the rakyat.”

His comments came soon after Khalid’s office sent termination letters to exco members Dr Daroyah Alwi and Elizabeth Wong from PKR and Datuk Teng Chang Khim, V. Ganabatirau and Ean Yong Hian Wah from the DAP.



Sacked five say they are still Exco members

The five in a joint press conference said their sacking was against the State Constitution, hence they were still Exco members.

(FMT, 13 August 2014) –  The five sacked Selangor executive council members maintain they are still “legitimate Excos” and will continue to carry out their duties until their tenure ends.

In a joint press conference led by DAP’s Teng Chang Khim, the five said their sacking was against the State Constitution, hence they were still Exco members.

“By right, he (Selangor Menteri Besar Khalid Ibrahim) should seek an audience with the Sultan before issuing the letters,” he said.



Sacked exco ready to take legal action against MB

(NST, 13 August 2014) – The six sacked PKR and DAP exco members are ready to take legal action against now-independent menteri besar Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim if their political efforts to resolve this issue amicably fails.

Sacked DAP exco Datuk Teng Chang Khim in a press conference at Bangunan Sultan Salahuddin Abdul Aziz Shah here today insisted that they were still legitimate excos and will still perform their duties.

“We are not yet sacked, because the sacking was not legal. In a legal perspective, Khalid should seek an audience with the Sultan and receive consent from him before we can be sacked. We will try to resolve this politically, but if we have to, then we will go to court,” Teng said.

