When the going gets tough…blame PAS

This does not make sense. They closed down Pakatan Rakyat so that they can get rid of PAS. And then they formed Pakatan Harapan so that DAP’s new Islamic party, PAN, can replace PAS in the opposition coalition. And now they grumble that PAS does not want to be friends with Pakatan Harapan. This is totally illogical.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Below are some of the comments that opposition portal Malaysiakini, a.k.a. Suara Anwar Ibrahim, selected and published today. Understandably these specially chosen comments are all anti-PAS and places the blame for the breakup of Pakatan Rakyat squarely on PAS.

Either these people really believe what they said/posted or they are spinning/lying and are trying to sway public opinion and convict PAS in the court of public opinion. Nevertheless, if you are a Pakatun of Dapster, you are going to believe these comments because you are reading these comments from a starting position of that you hate PAS.

What was absent in these comments is Lim Kit Siang’s announcement in June 2015 that Pakatan Rakyat has ceased to exist. Once Pakatan Rakyat ceases to exist then the coalition which comprises of DAP, PKR and PAS also automatically ceases to exist. This announcement by Kit Siang was in response to the statement by PAS that as far as they were concerned they were still a member of the opposition coalition.

It was Kit Siang and not Hadi who announced that Pakatan Rakyat has ceased to exist

In other words, PAS said ‘we are still married to DAP and PKR’ while DAP said ‘no, we are already divorced’. PKR, on the other hand, kept quiet and said nothing because it did not matter whether they are still married or not as long as they can still enjoy the sex.

Kim Quek said as long as PAS President Abdul Hadi Awang is not removed from power then ‘Harapan’s attempts at cooperation with PAS are unlikely to be fruitful’. If Pakatan Harapan still wants to be friends with PAS then why in the first place close down Pakatan Rakyat so that PAS can be kicked out from the opposition coalition?

This does not make sense. They closed down Pakatan Rakyat so that they can get rid of PAS. And then they formed Pakatan Harapan so that DAP’s new Islamic party, PAN, can replace PAS in the opposition coalition. And now they grumble that PAS does not want to be friends with Pakatan Harapan. This is totally illogical.

And why, in the first place, do they want to interfere in another party and determine who should be its leader? What if PAS were to tell DAP that they will agree to cooperate with Pakatan Harapan on condition that Lim Kit Siang and Lim Guan Eng step down and Gobind Singh Deo takes over? There would be an outrage.

Anyway, they already tried to remove Hadi but failed. Hadi and his team swept in with 80% of the votes and the losers all left PAS to start their new ‘Islamic’ party, PAN. And they thought they would see at least 200,000 PAS members cross over to PAN but they managed to get only 20,000. It was an absolute disaster so why is Kim Quek still talking about something they already tried and did not succeed in?

Then they accuse PAS of trying to form a ‘Unity Government’ with Umno and/or Barisan Nasional. And this, they say, is the reason why PAS does not want to go to bed with Pakatan Harapan.

Saifuddin headed the PKR-PAN-Umno ‘Unity Government’ talks in London in 2013

But then was it not the PAN and PKR people who met Umno in London in December 2013 to negotiate the forming of a ‘Unity Government’ with Umno and/or Barisan Nasional? And was it not PKR’s Secretary General, Saifuddin Nasution, who is now Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng’s ‘strategic adviser’, who headed the ‘Unity Government’ talks? And was it not Anwar Ibrahim who arranged the ‘Unity Government’ talks and requested Hadi to attend? And was it not Hadi who refused to attend the ‘Unity Government’ talks although he happened to be in London at that time?

All this is not mentioned in the comments below and instead they accuse PAS of not wanting to go to bed with Pakatan Harapan because they want to form a ‘Unity Government’ with Umno and/or Barisan Nasional. Do these people know what they are talking about or are they intentionally spinning/lying to disseminate fake news?

‘Voice’ said, “It is shameful for PAS to even call itself an Islamic party when its agenda is only championing Hadi’s version of hudud.” What does he or she mean by ‘Hadi’s version of hudud’? Is there another version? Are there more than one version of Hudud? Does Islam have many different versions of the Qur’an like Christianity has many different versions of the Bible?

‘Voice’ also said, “If PAS had indeed governed Kelantan based on Islamic principles, Kelantan would be the most prosperous state in Malaysia.” And which ‘Islamic principles’ are these? Banning lending companies/banks, cinemas, gambling, pork, liquor, the mingling of the different sexes, etc? And what unIslamic principles is PAS using instead? And how do Islamic principles translate to prosperity?

Nik Aziz and not Hadi was the architect of RUU355

The comment that takes the cake is from ‘Hornbill’, who said, “Nik Abduh is the opposite of his father, Tok Guru Nik Aziz Nik Mat, who was genuine in his struggle with Pakatan Rakyat.” Does ‘Hornbill’ not know that the RUU355, which DAP is so upset about, was introduced by Nik Aziz in Kelantan in 1993 when he was the Menteri Besar of Kelantan, and not by Hadi who was the Menteri Besar of Terengganu in 1999? And Pakatan Rakyat did not exist until 15 years later in 2008. And yet they praise Nik Aziz and condemn Hadi for RUU355. Bloody idiots!

The PAS ideology is ‘when the going gets tough, the tough get going’. The ideology of the Pakatuns and Dapsters, though, is ‘when the going gets tough, blame PAS’. The blame others syndrome has always been part of the DAP and Pakatan Harapan culture.



Kim Quek: The actual power behind the ‘pro-Umno, anti-Pakatan Harapan’ drive is its president Abdul Hadi Awang; the so-called ‘group of five’ – PAS election director Ahmad Samsuri Mokhtar, PAS information chief Nasrudin Hassan, PAS lawmakers Mohd Khairuddin Aman Razali and Nik Mohamad Abduh Nik Abdul Aziz and PAS research director Ahmad Zuhdi Marzuki – are mere minions.

Unless Hadi is removed from power in PAS, Harapan’s attempts at cooperation with PAS are unlikely to be fruitful.

6th Generation Immigrant: Whether or not we believe in aliens or alienation, PAS had better believe that “the truth is out there in GE14”.

They must surely know and accept that it shall be the voters who will eventually judge, yesterday, today and tomorrow, on everything uttered by PAS thus far.

With a simple ‘X’ from the voters, everything that Hadi and his five staunch supporters had said shall either be validated or rejected; and we do not require the Supreme Being for that, just plain and simple people.

Voice: It looks like PAS is not sincere at all. If you are sending people to talk to the opposition, then you should not have been sending people to wreck it at the same time.

Is the opposition side also doing the same? So, what kind of drama is PAS staging? For whatever reason, Pakatan should not wait for any outcome and prepare to go all out in Kelantan and Terengganu and even with the ambition of capturing them from PAS.

If PAS had indeed governed Kelantan based on Islamic principles, Kelantan would be the most prosperous state in Malaysia.

It is shameful for PAS to even call itself an Islamic party when its agenda is only championing Hadi’s version of hudud.

Forget PAS. Let them dig their own grave.

Anonymous_1421806811: Bersatu strategist Rais Hussin Mohamed Ariff, there is no need to talk Islam with a party whose actions state otherwise.

Just ask them directly, “Berapa Umno janji?” and “Berapa kau mahu?”

Anonymous #13114320: From the sound of it, it is affirmed that they had all the intention to work with Umno this time round. Some deal must have been forged to wreck the opposition’s chances.

In the end, they got something in return for every three-cornered fight between the parties and BN wins.

This is why they are so keen to fight in so many seats though they already know their chances there are slim.

Hornbill: Forgive the five PAS youngsters for they are aiming to hold important positions under the new ‘unity government’ formed by the merger between their two parties.

They are no different from the majority of Umno Baru members who join politics, the motive is material gain from this world.

Nik Abduh is the opposite of his father, Tok Guru Nik Aziz Nik Mat, who was genuine in his struggle with Pakatan Rakyat.

PAS will suffer their greatest defeat in the next GE. People, reject both BN and PAS.

Goldee: PAS is no longer so ‘holy’ after the demise of Nik Aziz. Its current leaders betrayed the trust of the people who had voted for them in GE13.

They are fond of backstabbing others, in particular DAP, who had helped them in GE13. I will never and ever give my vote to them.

Headhunter: It’s time to attack and expose PAS for what they are. If PAS is banking on their members coming out in full force in the 14th general election, I think they will be in for a shock and disappointment.

‘After divorce with PAS, PKR should quit in Kelantan’

6th Generation Immigrant: “We don’t need to quarrel, move on, let the people decide who will take care of their future in the 14th general election” (said former PKR leader Saiful Izham Ramli) is indeed an eye-opener for all politicians.

The above statement is honest and confident politicking, and that surely must be the way all the ‘opposition parties’ to garner for the people’s trust and support, not positions.

Political parties are the vehicles of the people, while it is the electorates that fuel them – so which one is more important?

Remember, we can elect 222 non-political representatives for Parliament, after all almost all Malaysians are already aligned in loss of faith in politicians as it is today.

And then, when Parliament convenes after GE 14, we let the one and only MP or senator who can command the majority support and respect in Parliament be the PM, who then selects his cabinet from wherever.

They do not have to be politicians, technocrats will suffice. Wake up, all politicians.

Hang Tuah PJ: I don’t expect the PAS people to relinquish their positions in Selangor. Big bucks supposedly to be made here. Kelantan is chicken feed. Resign or don’t resign doesn’t make any difference, huh, Nik Abduh?

Nippon: Totally agree. Those PKR politicians appointed to positions in Kelantan should resign and give them back to the ulama.

PKR doesn’t need those positions. But PAS needs to do the same in Selangor.

Mosquitobrain: PAS is the thorn among the roses in Pakatan Rakyat. PAS new leaders were over-ambitious, insincere and power crazy. After seeing they couldn’t’t get any head start from the strong opposition pact, it broke off ties, first with DAP and now with PKR.

PKR has bitten the bullet and quit all political appointments in the PAS-led Kelantan government. Power-crazy PAS, in return, did not have the courage and honour to ask its three state assembly representatives to quit the Selangor government.

According to them, the ‘quit’ instruction must come from the sultan!

Rick Teo: You can no longer stay in the same house after the divorce. So PAS should just practice what it preaches.
