PKR Youth: Dr Wan Azizah should be interim PM

(The Star) – PKR Youth announced its support for party president Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail to become “interim prime minister” pending the release of her husband Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

Its chief Nik Nazmi Nik Ahmad said the wing has always maintained that Anwar should be prime minister should the Opposition win in the general election.

However, he said, until Anwar can be freed from prison, Pakatan Harapan would need a prime minister and that person should be Dr Wan Azizah.

“She has proven herself as an Opposition leader in quickly forming Pakatan Harapan after Pakatan Rakyat was disbanded.

“I feel there is no problem in placing Dr Wan Azizah as our interim prime minister,” said Nik Nazmi in his winding up speech for the PKR Youth congress Saturday.

On another matter, Nik Nazmi said the party is saddened by PAS’ decision to sever ties.

“Many members touched on the question of our old friend PAS.

“Indeed we felt sad when this old friend of ours chose to cut its tahaluf siyasi (political cooperation),” he said.

Nik Nazmi explained how PAS had been important in the reformation movement started by Anwar which led to the founding of PKR.

“Back then, Datuk Fadzil Muhammad Noor (sixth PAS president) gave as much room as possible to the reformation movement and later for Parti Keadilan Nasional to live as a new political organisation,” said Nik Nazmi.

Parti Keadilan Nasional would later merge with Parti Rakyat Malaysia in 2003 to become PKR.

“They played a big role and the effects of that cooperation were not only felt by PKR,” he said.

He added that despite not supporting PAS’ proposed amendments to the Syariah Courts (Criminal Jurisdiction) Act, or RUU355, PKR did not go against the will of Islam.

“We are resolute that the claim that we turned our backs on Islam is not true at all,” he said.


