PKR’s ‘Anwar 7th PM’ placards show lack of finesse, says Zaid Ibrahim

PKR’s “Anwar 7th PM” placard stunt at the party’s congress showed a lack of finesse, said Datuk Zaid Ibrahim (pic).

The former cabinet minister and current DAP member said it also showed a lack of respect to Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia leaders Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad and Tan Sri Muhydiddin Yassin who were present.

“PKR is Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s party of course, but do they need to wave the placards?

“What is baffling is why the arrogance to pick the Prime Minister-designate from their group when they have won nothing yet,” Zaid said in a blog post on Monday.

PKR delegates and the party’s top leaders – including PKR president Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail – held placards bearing the words “Anwar 7th PM” during the party’s congress on Sunday.

However, Dr Mahathir and Muhyiddin did not join other Pakatan Harapan leaders, including DAP advisor Lim Kit Siang and Parti Amanah Negara president Mohamad Sabu, in holding up the placards.

Zaid, who was formerly with PKR, said he doesn’t understand opposition politics anymore, adding that the opposition always seemed to have too much confidence for its own good.

He pointed out the Sep 16, 2008 fiasco when the opposition proclaimed that it would form the new government by getting Sabah and Sarawak MPs to join.

“Who can forget the magical date of Sept 16th? Then there was much expectation in 2013; and despite winning the popular vote, they were still more than 30 seats short,” said Zaid who was also amused that PKR had announced Dr Wan Azizah as the “seat warmer” while waiting for the “Chosen One to be ready to take the throne”.

Zaid said that in Malaysia’s system of government, a prime minister is selected from the party that has the most support of MPs.

He added that it was still too early to tell if the combined MPs from PKR, DAP and Parti Amanah Negara could secure the magic number of 112.

“If they need help from Pribumi and other parties in Sabah and Sarawak to reach the simple majority, shouldn’t they discuss the question of PM-designate first before waving the placards?” he said.

Zaid added that he would nominate Dr Mahathir to become prime minister because he was the best for the job.

“The different candidates for prime minister will make the opposition more interesting. These candidates can debate the election issues and we can have discussions and forums about the problems in the country. This will help the people know their PM-designate better,” he said.

He said that Pakatan Harapan must not try to be more than what it actually is and should forget the common logo and common PM designate.

“After all, just like in all previous elections, the Pakatan parties all have their separate ways of trying to win their respective seats. They don’t have a common war room, common funding, it will always be ‘to each its own’.

“It’s too late in the day to try to be something more. It will just expose them for what they really are,” he said.

