Over 1,000 PPBM members in Perak quit party en masse

(Bernama) – More than 1,000 Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (PPBM) members in Perak led by its Ipoh division pro-tem chief Azrul Suhadi Ahmad Mokhtar and Teluk Intan division pro-tem chief Jemaat Yaacob quit the party en masse today.

Azrul Said said they took the decision following the failure by party president Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin to resolve internal conflicts at the national and states level despite being given a week to do so.

“The president is not paying attention to the grievances of the members. We believe more members will be following suit,” he told a press conference here today.

He said the members who quit were prime movers at the grassroots level who had put much effort in setting up PPBM branches in their respective areas.

Meanhwile, PPBM Pasir Salak coordinator Mohamad Hasan, who was also present, said the members quit on their own accord and were not influenced by outside parties.

They were sick of the cronyism happening in PPBM, he said.

