The House of Tun Mahathir is Burning Down!

(THE MALAYSIAN OBSERVER) – Tun Mahathir may have need for a bigger box of tissues as the 49.9 % sale of Proton to Chinese car maker Zhejiang Geely Automotive Co Ltd is not the only thing he has to weep about these days.

It what is widely viewed to be yet another blow to Tun Mahathir’s fledgling Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysian (PPBM), one thousand (1,000) members along with Teluk Intan division pro-tem chief Jemaat Yaacob  and Ipoh division pro-term chief Azrul  Suhadi Ahmad Mokhtar all left the political party last Friday (May 26, 2017).

This mass exodus comes a little more than one month (April 19th 2017) after the resignation of Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia supreme council member Kamarulaman Habibur Rahman.

Just like Kamarulaman Habibur Rahman, the most recent mass exodus came about due to what they describe as party in fighting and cronyism.

Azrul Said stated that the political party’s president Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin failed to resolve the internal conflicts in the time period (1) week) that was given to him.  Muhyiddin’s failure to resolve those issues triggered the wave of resignations by those one (1000) members.

Apparently, this most recent mass exodus is only the tip of the iceberg as Azrul suggests that more resignations will follow.

How will the mass resignation affect Tun Mahathir?

Tun Mahathir like Lim Kit Siang (whose DAP party has seen their share of resignations) may care little that members are jumping ship as both men have difficulty seeing beyond their own self interest.

However for Tun Mahathir, those interests are being torn away from around him.

One of his sources of pride: Proton had for a number of years fallen into difficulty and needed to be rescued by international interest.


