The reason Muslims are perceived as terrorists

It is time that The Star make amends for giving Islam a bad name by publishing positive stories regarding Muslims. There are many more corrupt and gay Muslims than there are extremist and terrorist Muslims. So the good Muslims far outnumber the bad Muslims. And this is what we should be focusing on.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

About one-quarter of the world’s population or 1.8 billion humans are Muslims. Of course, there are still more Christians who make up 31% or 2.2 billion of the population of this world. Nevertheless, if you want to separate those who are Muslims/Christians ‘in name only’ from those who are practicing Muslims/Christians, then there are more Muslims than Christians.

In fact, there are more Muslims who know about Islam than Christians who know about Christianity. For example, all Muslims without exception know how the Qur’an was ‘revealed’ to Prophet Muhammad (Muslims believe that Muhammad did not author the Qur’an but God/Allah revealed it to him through the Angel Gabriel).

The Christian story of Moses is from the Old Testament, not from the New Testament

Most Christians, however, do not know the history of the various Bibles and some even think that Christians only need to follow the New Testament and not the Old Testament (which they say only the Jews follow). The fact that Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges, Ruth, and the rest of the 39 books, are from the Old Testament (all those stories which Christians believe in) means Christians also follow the Old Testament and not just the 27 books of the New Testament.

And do all Christians know that there are a total of 66 books which they need to follow opposed to just one Qur’an for the Muslims? Stop any Christian on the street and he or she will not know this fact. But then stop any Muslim on the street and most likely he or she can reply to most of your questions regarding Christianity.

In short, most Muslims are knowledgeable about Christianity while most Christians are not only ignorant about Islam but also about their own religion as well. And if Christians need to gain a bit more knowledge regarding Christianity they are better off talking to a Muslim than to a fellow Christian who would not know much.

Anyway, that is not what we want to talk about today. What we want to talk about is the very mischievous front-page of The Star that headlined the story on terrorism and then showed a picture of Muslims in prayer. That would be like showing the picture of the IRA bombing in Manchester 21 years ago below the story of the British Prime Minister, Theresa May, recently promising to step up the war on terrorism.

The Irish Republican Army (IRA) bombing in Manchester on Saturday, 15 June 1996

Actually, the negative or extremist image that Islam has acquired is all due to the media. When they talk about Islam they talk about killing, bombing, terrorism, etc. Are they saying that 1.8 billion Muslims are all like this?

In fact, there are many good Muslims all over the world. And the good Muslims far outnumber the bad Muslims. The same goes for Christians as well. Not all the 2.2 billion Christians want to bomb Manchester like the IRA did 21 years ago in 1996.

Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad said the Malaysian civil service and the Malays in general are more corrupt now than during the time when he was Prime Minister for 22 years from 1981 to 2003. There are about 1.6 million Malaysians working in the civil service and more than 80% of them are Muslim with about 10% Bumiputera and less than 10% Chinese and Indians.

So that is good. If it is true that the 80% Muslim civil service is highly corrupt that means these people are not extremist Muslims but are good people.

Muslims who are extremists would not touch haram money with a ten-foot pole. And if the more than one million Muslims in the Malaysian civil service are corrupt that shows these are moderate or liberal Muslims and are not extremists or terrorists. And that would be good news for the war against Islamic terrorism.

The Star should be highlighting this fact instead of publishing stories about terrorism with photos of Muslims in prayer.

Tan Sri Mohamed Amin Osman said 97% of the Malaysian police force is corrupt and in cahoots with the Chinese underworld syndicate

The Malaysian police force is very corrupt (Tan Sri Mohamed Amin Osman said 97% of them are corrupt). And most are Muslims. In fact, the Chinese underworld crime syndicate (not Muslims, though) that control drugs, gambling, prostitution, loan sharking, etc., is in partnership with the Malaysian police force.

Do you know if you are convicted for drug trafficking or murder you will be hanged? It is the death sentence for you plus for other crimes involving guns or waging war against the King, and so on. But for a certain price the police can botch the evidence so that you can get off on a technicality. The price depends on the size of your bank account and the richer you are the higher the price, which can run into millions if you are super-rich.

Mahathir says the Umno-led Barisan Nasional is going to win the next general election because Muslim-Malays are corrupt and can be bought with dedak, which is good because that means the Muslim-Malays are not extremists or terrorists

And, needless to say, we are dealing with Muslims here. So, do you think these Muslims who do under-the-table and backroom deals and are in partnership with the Chinese underworld syndicate are extremists or terrorists?

Why is The Star not talking about this positive aspect of Muslims to prove that not all Muslims are bad who wage jihad and bomb people and that there are many good Muslims like those in the Malaysian police force who do not harm others in the name of Islam and are only interested in making money the most unIslamic way possible?

We should stop talking about how bad Muslims are. We should instead talk about the many more good Muslims who are most unIslamic and violate every rule in the holy book. These people do not harm non-Muslims. They do not shoot and bomb innocent people. They are so corrupt that they do not care one bit what the Qur’an says and just want to get rich by any means possible.

Look at the following headline:

America’s First Openly Gay Imam Performs Same-Sex Marriages for Gay Muslims (READ THE STORY HERE)

Why does The Star not carry stories like these? Why just talk about terrorism?

And look at the photos below. Not all Muslims are terrorists and bombers. For every one terrorist and bomber there are thousands of gay Muslims. These gay Muslims do not want to kill people. They just want to make love or have sex, or vice versa.

There are more gay Muslims than there are Muslim bombers

Muslims, especially Malaysian Muslims, need to prove to the world that not all Muslims are bad. Of course, the interpretation of bad is extremists or terrorists. There are 1.8 billion Muslims so even if 100 million are extremists there are still almost 1.8 billion who are not.

So let us stop talking about these bad Muslims who kill and bomb people. Let us instead be proud of those good Muslims who do no harm to others. The majority of the corrupt Malaysian civil service is Muslim. The majority of the corrupt Malaysian police force is Muslim. There is a very high percentage of gay Muslims all over the world. In fact, if Pakatan Harapan wins the next general election, Malaysia may finally get a bisexual Prime Minister, a fantastic development to support the argument that not all Muslims are extremists.

It is time that The Star make amends for giving Islam a bad name by publishing positive stories regarding Muslims. There are many more corrupt and gay Muslims than there are extremist and terrorist Muslims. So the good Muslims far outnumber the bad Muslims. And this is what we should be focusing on.

If Malaysia finally gets a bisexual Prime Minister that will prove to the world that Malaysian-Muslims are not extremists 
