Kit Siang’s silence on Mahathir’s Geely U-turn is deafening

“Mahathir went ahead and sanctioned the purchase of a majority stake in Lotus despite knowing the British carmaker was in dire straits and had been tossed around the automobile industry”

The Third Force

Proton Holdings Berhad (Proton), established in 1983, was the brainchild of former Malaysian premier Dr. Mahathir Mohamad. The national-badged automaker, long reputed for its ties with the Mahathirists, hit a snag when sales began dropping just before Mahathir handed over reins of government to his deputy, Tun Abdullah Haji Ahmad Badawi, in October 2003.

In April the following year, the then International Trade and Industry Minister, Dato’ Seri Rafidah Aziz, earned Mahathir’s ire when she told Proton to speed up its search for a foreign partner. Her call was made days before Mahathir was named Proton advisor, a move that shocked many, including senior DAP stalwart Lim Kit Siang.

In a blog posting dated 4th of September 2004 (READ HERE), the senior Lim pointed out that Mahathir was “the most ardent opponent of selling Proton stake to foreign company.

Mahathir subsequently gave a long interview with The Edge defending his failed nationalist policy by making a clear pronouncement that he would like to see Proton remain under the control of Malaysian investors.

Proton was spared from the pressure to look for a foreign partner for a good three-month period,” he said.

According to the senior Lim, Mahathir was inspired by economic models from Japan and Korea where car industries served as engines of growth.

The hope was that Malaysia would eventually build a viable automobile sector that export cars to the world market like Japan and Korea,” he added.

But that was never meant to be.

The fact is, the national carmaker faced ineluctable losses owing to some bad moves that led to a disproportionate cost-production ratio. Many point to a decision by Proton to acquire a majority stake in Lotus cars – a British sports car manufacturer headquartered in the United Kingdom (UK) – as the straw that broke the carmaker’s back.

While that remains true, not many are aware that Mahathir sanctioned the purchase of a majority stake in Lotus despite knowing the British carmaker was in dire straits and had been tossed around the automobile industry.

What’s worse, in a recent blog posting by Lim Sian See (READ HERE), it was revealed that the British automaker had lost an estimated RM6 billion the past 20 years and RM920 million in 2013 alone. These are among reasons that prompted the current administration to draw the line.

On Wednesday, 24th of May 2017, Proton undertook in an agreement with China’s Zhengjiang Geely Holdings Co Ltd (Geely) to part with 49.9 percent of its stake to pave the way for Geely’s involvement in the national automobile industry.


