Jubilee or jubilant Israeli celebration?

And just in case any dumbo misses the connection with the Jews, there is also a Hebrew word ‘Shalom’ on the stem of the depicted menorah to remind him or her of that.

KTemoc Konsiders

Jubilee (noun)

1. the celebration of any of certain anniversaries, as the twenty-fifth(silver jubilee) fiftieth (golden jubilee) or sixtieth or seventy-fifth(diamond jubilee)

2. the completion of 50 years of existence, activity, or the like, or its celebration: Our college will celebrate its jubilee next year.

And now a word from Bishop Jason Selvaraj of Christ Church who was reported as saying:

[He] viewed the organisers of the Nations of the All Malaysian-Golden Gate Nation Revival Convocation (AMGGNRC) Golden Gate aligning with Jerusalem’s Jubilee congregation, planned for June 15-18, as insensitive and unjustified.

“It is very insensitive of the organisers to use Jewish symbols,” said Selvaraj.

“I believe Perkasa (Pertubuhan Pribumi Perkasa Malaysia) raised a legitimate and valid question. They cannot be so insensitive in a multi-racial country. I doubt the Christian Federation of Malaysia and Council of Churches in Malaysia are open to this.”


Various extracts from the web: The menorah is one of the most recognizable and widespread symbols of Jewish culture and tradition in the world. It predates the Star of David, and is at the center of Hanukkah, the Jewish holiday that lasts eight days – though the menorah has been around longer than the events that inspired that tradition.

Hanukkah celebrates a miracle following a revolt by the Jews against foreign rule in 168-165 B.C.

There is no cultural and traditional symbol more Jewish than the menorah, which likely was formed on the concept of the ancient mythological idea of the Tree of Life.

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