The Greatest Malaysian Misleader

SeaDemon Says

Delusional old crap

The above is an extract from an interview of a psychopathic and delusional old man by the Nikkei Asian Review yesterday.  He said that he had never abused his power when he was the Prime Minister.

If you have a copy of Barry Wain’s ‘Malaysian Maverick‘ you can see the list of abuses that Mahathir had done during his premiership.  And those are only the ones that Mr Wain had discovered.

Time Magazine quoted an economist at Morgan Stanley in Singapore as saying that the country might have lost as much as US$100 billion since the early 1980s to corruption. Under Mahathir’s 22 years term, there were monetary losses amounting to over at least hundred of billions of Ringgit and this excluded those unaccounted for, and irretrievable.

Another politician, Syed Husin Ali, whose party is now worshipping Mahathir said, “Petronas has neither been fully transparent nor accountable with how it spends its money, especially in aiding and abetting Tun Mahathir to indulge in unproductive construction of mega projects, to bail out ailing crony companies and corporate figures, and to involve itself in excessive and wasteful spending on celebrations and conferences.”

For the record, Mr Wain has never been sued by Mahathir.  Neither has Mahathir’s foe-turned-best friend Lim Kit Siang been sued for his remarks on the former.

Lim Kit Siang aka The Emperor once wrote:


