Lim Kit Siang stupidly swallows Sarawak Report’s fake news

Lim Kit Siang will believe any fake news as long as the fake news is anti-government or anti-Najib

(FMT) – The allegations made by Sarawak Report on the transfer of funds to lawyer Mohd Shafee Abdullah directly from Prime Minister Najib Razak’s personal bank accounts cannot be ignored by the nation’s leadership, says Lim Kit Siang.

The Gelang Patah MP called for Najib to come forth and admit if his AmBank accounts, the alleged source of a RM9.5 million transfer over two transactions in September 2013 and February 2014, respectively, was “active at the material time”.

“Silence is simply not an option for the prime minister if he wants Malaysians and the world to believe that he is committed to the principles of accountability, transparency and good governance.

“Attorney-General Mohamad Apandi Ali also cannot keep his silence to the claim by PKR vice-president and Pandan MP, Rafizi Ramli, who said that information on the flow of funds from these (AmBank) accounts were detailed in a flowchart shown by the Attorney-General during a press conference in January 2016,” Lim said.

The DAP supremo added that a prompt and straightforward confirmation was all that was needed pertaining to the status of the accounts in question.

“Just confirm if true, giving the reasons for the payment, or deny, if untrue.

“Why is Najib finding it so difficult to do a very simple thing?”

Sarawak Report recently reported that Shafee, who was specially appointed to lead the prosecution in the appeal against Anwar Ibrahim’s acquittal over a sodomy charge in 2014, received the money from an AmBank account belonging to Najib.

The portal also published screenshots showing two transactions totalling RM9.5 million, the first in September 2013 and the next in February 2014, two weeks before the Court of Appeal decision which overturned the High Court’s acquittal of Anwar.

Sarawak Report alleged that the money was paid from an account linked to Najib, who came under heavy fire in 2015 after reports by The Wall Street Journal claimed RM2.6 billion had been channelled into his personal bank accounts.

Najib denied any wrongdoing, saying the money had been a donation from the Saudi royal house to fund Umno’s general election campaign in 2013.

On Jan 26, 2016, he was cleared by Attorney-General Mohamed Apandi Ali of any criminal offence in relation to the donation.

The government had stated earlier that Shafee was paid only RM1,000 for his services in the Anwar prosecution.

FMT’s attempts to contact the lawyer for a response have not been successful so far.

