Lim Guan Eng and Malaysiakini falsely accuse UMNO man of lying

The fact is, all Zainal did was raise concern at a press conference in George Town, Penang, that the DAP-led state administration was organizing all sorts of activities that included, among others, fancy diner events

The Third Force

Lim Guan Eng may have crossed the line – again.

The embattled Chief Minister of Penang, accused by the ruling Barisan Nasional (BN) of discriminately selling state land to whitewash the deepening financial crisis plaguing his administration, denied the DAP has ties with gambling kingpins or syndicates.

In a statement today, the Chief Minister, who is also the secretary-general of DAP, took Penang UMNO Liaison chief Dato’ Seri Zainal Abidin Osman to task for claiming the DAP organized diners every night.

“Why is he making these type of lies? We don’t organise dinners every night, we may attend dinners every night but these are not organised by DAP, these are by organisations, by temples.

“This year, as of now, DAP has only organised three dinners so far, and at each dinner, we sell tickets to raise funds,” added the Chief Minister.

Ironically, Zainal had never claimed the DAP organized or funded dinners every night, though that was the impression given by Malaysiakini in an editorial that read “UMNO man: how does Penang DAP fund dinners every night?”


