The DoJ announcement is meant to distract us from the opposition’s problems

Salleh Said Keruak

The opposition Pakatan Harapan is really bankrupt of ideas if they need to resort to inviting foreign intervention into Malaysian politics. Pakatan Harapan is also misleading Malaysians about the implications of the United States Department of Justice (DoJ) announcement yesterday.

The DoJ is acting based merely on the complaints it received. And the DoJ made it clear that “a civil forfeiture complaint is merely an allegation that money or property was involved in or represents the proceeds of a crime and that these allegations are not proven until a court says so.”

The implications to this is those against Datuk Seri Najib are trying to get the United States involved in Malaysia’s internal politics. This is an act of treason and during Tun Dr Mahathir’s time he would use the Internal Security Act (ISA) to detain such people without trial.


