The DoJ announcement is Mahathir’s death knell, but he doesn’t know it yet

“Daim, who serves as Mahathir’s right hand man, was instructed by the former premier to funnel USD5 million through channels that ended with the Clinton Foundation, a fifth of which wended its way to the coffers of persons linked to Lynch”


On Thursday, the 15th of June 2017, the media went abuzz with news that the United States (US) Department of Justice (DoJ) had filed a civil lawsuit seeking the forfeiture and recovery of assets worth approximately USD540 million. According to the DoJ, the assets were tied to an international syndicate laundering money through the US financial system.

The announcement, the second by the DoJ since the 20th of July 2016, followed rumours that the administration of Dato’ Seri Najib Tun Razak sought to dissolve parliament following the holy month of Ramadan. The Malaysian opposition went into frenzy over the announcement, with the wife of jailed opposition leader Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim calling for an emergency sitting by the August house to seek the Prime Minister’s clarification on the matter.

In announcing the civil lawsuit, the US attorney for the Central District of California, Sandra R. Brown, made known that the case represented the largest action brought by the DoJ under the Kleptomacy Recovery Initiative.

The initiative, known also as the Stolen Asset Recovery Initiative (StAR), was first made mention by The Third Force in an article dated the 16th of November 2016 (READ HERE, or refer part 2, link below). Back then, nobody paid attention to what I had to say.

Nonetheless, I will be talking more about the StAR initiative in an article due Monday, the 19th of June 2017. For the moment, let us try to wrap our heads around the idea that the DoJ announcement was inspired by persons linked to former US President Barack Obama, who needed to avert attention from crimes those people had committed while serving his office.

But first, the billion-dollar question:

1. Was the DoJ announcement Mahathir’s idea?


While the former premier may have been complicit with members of the Obama administration to trigger the announcement, the idea did not originate from him. As a matter of fact, the idea was that of Peter Comey (Peter), the brother of fired FBI director James Comey (James). It was Peter who laid out the plan to acting FBI director Andrew McCabe on the 1st of March 2017.

2. How, then, did Mahathir get himself involved in the planning?

To understand that, we need to traverse back through time to see what happened on the 12th of January 2017.

On that day, James approached Obama with the draft of a secret executive order the President had asked him to prepare. That was unusual, considering that executive orders are typically prepared by the President’s legal team, not by members of intelligence agencies.

Notwithstanding, Obama signed the executive order the very next day and told his administration to keep it secret. The order (READ HERE) empowered attorneys from certain districts to replace the US Attorney General (AG) in the event the AG could not perform his (or her) duties for reasons stipulated by the US Constitution. What was curious about the order was the fact that it was signed just seven days prior to Trump’s inauguration as President.

One of the districts listed by James in the executive order – the District of Columbia – is a place you’d least likely find Trump supporters. As a matter of fact, many attorneys from the district are known Obama apologists, and in some cases, were funded by George Soros to incriminate Trump appointees by accusing them of colluding with Russians.

Now, the US Attorney for the District of Columbia is a man by the name of Channing Phillips. Not only is Phillips an Obama apologist, he conspired with James in May last year to sweep Clinton’s email scandal under the carpet. Obama had intended for Phillips to ‘assume’ the AG’s duties by getting Democrats to accuse whoever it was Trump nominated as AG of colluding with Russians.

But why Phillips?

Well, Phillips is closely aligned to the former US Secretary of State, John Forbes Kerry. Just so that you know, this is the same Kerry who Mahathir implored American Muslims to vote for during the 2004 US Presidential elections (READ HERE). But if you’re thinking Kerry owes Mahathir a debt of gratitude for that favour, you’re dead wrong.

The fact is, Kerry needs Mahathir to carry on with the Anti-Najib Campaign (ANC) simply because he needs to protect Peter, his partner in crime. Now, it just so happens that Peter is an attorney with very special links to the Attorney’s office at the Central District of California where Brown is. It stands to reason that Brown’s office is least likely to indict Peter or Kerry on charges of fraud.

But just to be sure, Kerry needed Phillips to lead the AG’s office, given the latter’s experience in prosecuting drug related offences and fraud cases. Kerry knew that Phillips was well versed with legal loopholes related to those matters, enough to keep himself (Kerry) and Peter out of Jail.

On the 1st of March 2017, Peter met McCabe and laid out plans for a second DoJ announcement. According to Peter, the second announcement would help avert attention from the Clinton Foundation, leading the Trump administration to believe that the DoJ was committed to combatting fraud and instances of money laundering involving Muslim nations.

Four days later, Kerry told Peter to get in touch with Mahathir to find out if the former premier perceived Trump to be a threat to the Anti-Najib Campaign (READ HERE, or refer part 13, link below). Kerry was disturbed by rumours that members of the Trump administration were about to enter a secret deal with Loretta Lynch, former US Attorney General and person who delivered the 20th of July 2016 DoJ announcement.

A day later, a very distressed Peter got in touch with Mahathir again and batted around the idea of staging a second DoJ announcement. Like Lynch, both Peter and Kerry knew they had a lot to lose in the event the DoJ decided to conduct a discovery into the Clinton Foundation.


