Remember when the US was accused of interfering?

Salleh Said Keruak

During the years of 1998 to 2003, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad was very angry with the United States of America over what he alleged was that superpower’s interference in Malaysian politics. Mahathir was so upset that he called Anwar an American agent — and in 2003 Anwar sued the NST for reporting that. Mahathir grumbled that when Anwar went to the US he received a 21-gun salute even though he was only the Deputy Prime Minister while, as Prime Minister, Mahathir did not receive the same red carpet treatment. The US then called Anwar a ‘Prisoner of Conscience’ and this angered Mahathir even more.

To Mahathir, Malaysia’s politics is Malaysia’s internal affairs and outsiders should not interfere in Malaysia’s internal affairs. In fact, this has been the international practice for a long time. Countries can, of course, comment about the internal affairs of other countries if it involves matters such as human rights, civil liberties, child labour, child sex, genocide, and so on. Other than that you respect the sovereignty of another country.


