Syed Saddiq knew the US-DoJ attack was coming

Because Syed Saddiq revealed to his three Exco Members regarding the meeting he had with Mahathir and Daim, and revealed that they knew about the US-DoJ 15th June 2017 announcement long before it happened, and that they spent RM50 million on this exercise, US$5 million which went to the Clinton Foundation, the whole conspiracy has been blown wide open and many heads are going to roll.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

This was what Malaysiakini a.k.a. Suara Anwar Ibrahim reported 20 months ago on 4th November 2015:

Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman went from hero (after criticising Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak) to zero (for taking a swipe at DAP and its lawmaker Tony Pua) as far as netizens were concerned.

Following the negative comments, Syed Saddiq, known as Asia’s top debater, said he learned a new lesson – he is a fusion of ‘BN macai (lackey)’ and ‘opposition macai’. “When I critique the government of the day, I am an ‘opposition macai’. When I critique the opposition of the day, I am a ‘BN macai’,” he said in a Facebook posting.

However, Syed Sadiq stressed that he is not a ‘macai’ for any political party. “If any, I am a ‘Malaysian macai’. No one can buy my soul,” he added. He also pointed out that no political party is perfect nor should any one of them be free of public scrutiny.

Syed Saddiq met Mahathir and Daim to discuss the US-DoJ 15th June 2017 announcement long before it happened

That was 20 months ago back in November 2015, just a month before Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad was supposed to have ousted Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak during the Umno annual assembly in December. That did not happen, of course, and since then Mahathir has created his own party, PPBM a.k.a. Pribumi, and Syed Saddiq has joined Mahathir as the party’s chief spokesman.

And today Syed Saddiq no longer tolerates free speech and criticism. He has hammered all those who criticise the party and has asked these ‘traitors’ to resign. And he is very much within the inner circle behind the United States Department of Justice (US-DoJ) 15th June 2017 announcement.

Whether Syed Saddiq was noble and honourable when he started out two years ago and has since changed, or whether it was just a show all along and he really was slimy then as he is today, we may find out one day. But what we do know is that Syed Saddiq was in a meeting with Mahathir and Tun Daim Zainuddin planning the US-DoJ 15th June 2017 announcement.

After that meeting with Mahathir and Daim, Syed Saddiq summoned three members of his Youth Exco, ARMADA, to brief them about what was going to happen and Malaysia Today, of course, knows the names and identities of those three.

Syed Saddiq told his three Exco Members that Daim paid the Clinton Foundation US$5 million to get the DoJ to whack Najib

The main issue here is that Mahathir and Daim knew about the US-DoJ 15th June 2017 announcement long before it happened. And they discussed and planned what they must do once the US-DoJ announcement is made on 15th June 2017. It was going to be massive operation of statement after statement from many people, starting from 15th June 2017 right up to August (which Mahathir said is when the next general election is probably going to be held).

Syed Saddiq also told his three ARMADA Exco Members that RM50 million is being spent on this exercise (some which is going to Sarawak Report) and that the Clinton Foundation received US$5 million, or about RM22 million of that RM50 million, and that Daim arranged the payment through a ‘middleman’. Whether Syed Saddiq was supposed to reveal this very confidential and damaging information to his three ARMADA Exco Members is not known but that just shows how green this kid still is.

You do not tell your people such things. What happens if they talk (accidentally or purposely), or they defect to Barisan Nasional, or they are bribed to reveal these secrets? Would that not put Syed Saddiq in real deep shit, not to mention Mahathir and Daim as well? What if President Donald Trump starts an investigation into this and nails all those DoJ people involved? After all, some of these people are trying to nail him and get him kicked out so Trump would certainly want to nail them first.

Syed Saddiq said Mahathir spent RM50 million on this DoJ exercise

But now, because Syed Saddiq revealed to his three Exco Members regarding the meeting he had with Mahathir and Daim, and revealed that they knew about the US-DoJ 15th June 2017 announcement long before it happened, and that they spent RM50 million on this exercise, US$5 million which went to the Clinton Foundation, the whole conspiracy has been blown wide open and many heads are going to roll.

That is why you never ask a boy to do a man’s job. And the fact that what Syed Saddiq said 20 months ago is a far departure from what he is doing today, he has not just killed off his political career but has also jeopardised the future of his entire party.
