‘Incommunicado’ Seng Giaw active on his FB, blog

(The Star) – Despite claims that he had been “incommunicado” with DAP for several months, senior lawmaker Dr Tan Seng Giaw (pix) appears to be consistently updating his blog and Facebook page.

The latest post on his blog, tansenggiaw.blogspot.my, which was published on Tuesday, was about the appointment of Felda Group Ventures (FGV) acting chairman Tan Sri Sulaiman Mahbob.

Earlier Wednesday, Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng had told a press conference at Komtar that the party had not been able to contact Tan since early this year.

Lim, also DAP secretary-general, declined to comment further when asked on remarks made by Dr Tan who called for the preservation of Penang’s greenery. Lim added the matter would be dealt with internally.

Dr Tan was critical of the DAP-led Penang state government based on his Facebook status update published last Sunday.

In the post, which was written in English, Malay, Chinese and Jawi, Dr Tan said Balik Pulau had become “less green” of late.

“Going round Penang Island today, we find the coast is changing and Balik Pulau is less green. The population of 850,000 require houses and employment. The priority is to preserve the forest and the green,” he wrote.

