A public appeal for donations to fund the legal suit against Sarawak Report

In August 2016, Clare Rewcastle-Brown (CRB) ran an article in Sarawak Report (SR) alleging that the leaders of the Pan Malaysia Islamic Party (PAS) received bribes from the Prime Minster of Malaysia (PM Najib) to the tune of MYR90 million, for PAS to support PM Najib.

Through many press statements, PAS vehemently denied these allegations. However, CRB and SR did not remove or amend the article.

In order to protect its good name and reputation, Mr Hadi Awang, the President of PAS appointed a reputable lawyer in the UK to act on its behalf. This is the same lawyer that Mr Hadi Awang had used about 10 years earlier to file a suit against another publication for libel as well, and which was settled out of court with a huge compensation paid to Mr Hadi Awang.

In December 2016, Mr Hadi Awang’s lawyers wrote to CRB and SR requesting that the article be removed, retracted and an apology given to Mr Hadi Awang. Without any damages or compensation being claimed.

Despite many reminders by the lawyers, CRB and SR ignored these requests.

Being left with no choice, Mr Hadi Awang instructed the lawyers to commence legal actions against CRB and SR in early 2017.

This action has now been filed with the courts in London.

As one can imagine, the cost to institute a legal action in the UK is not cheap and would involve a lot of funds, which understandably, PAS does not have.

As such, PAS is appealing to all its supporters and members to donate to it, to help fund this legal action in the UK to clear its name.

Donations can be sent to their bank accounts as follows:

