DAP: Dastardly Arrogant Party

SeaDemon Says

As anticipated, the Tokong has announced that there is no need for a fresh CEC election despite being directed to hold one by the ROS.

In a bid to save his post and the post of his cronies, the Tokong said that the DAP will meet with the ROS to discuss the issue.

Four years have gone by with the DAP ignoring and even threatening court action against the ROS. This meeting will be just another repeat of his show of arrogance to a government agency.

What will follow this planned meeting would be more roadshows claiming that the DAP CEC is being targetted by UMNO (Malay)-run government agency, more threats of kegal action and defiant rhetorics spewed.

Former DAP strongman Tunku Abdul Aziz says that the current DAP’s predicament is its own doing

DAP’s current run-in with the authorities is the result of what it sowed back in December 2012.  By altering the CEC election results to include Malay-wannabeChristopher Ross Lim in the CEC lineup, DAP members unhappy with the management of the election lodged reports against the DAP prompting the ROS to investigate.

The complaints were lodged by its own members who felt they had been cheated of their rightful place, so it is no use blaming anybody else for what has happened,” said Tunku Abdul Aziz, who was a former DAP vice-chairman, to reporters. “This issue is essentially a procedural matter whereby the DAP had not followed proper procedures in an election seen as flawed, unfair and unjust by their own members.”

Other former leaders have called upon the DAP to shed its arrogant ways.

Lee Guan Aik tells DAP to stop being arrogant


